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. 2021 Sep 8;22(11):e53732. doi: 10.15252/embr.202153732
Reagent/Resource Reference or source Identifier or catalog number
Experimental Models
C57BL/6J (M. musculus) Jackson Lab B6.129P2Gpr37tm1Dgen/J
Nrl.gfp (M. musculus) Kind gift of Dr Anand Swaroop, now available through Jackson Lab B6. Cg‐Tg(Nrl‐EGFP)1Asw/J
Ai9(RCL‐tdT) or TdTomato (M. musculus) Jackson Lab B6. Cg‐Gt(ROSA)26Sortm9(CAG‐tdTomato)Hze/J
mTmG or myrRFP (M. musculus) Jackson Lab Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB‐tdTomato,‐EGFP)Luo/J
Gnat1−/− (M. musculus) kind gift of Dr Janis Lem, Tufts Medical College Gnat1−/−; Gnat1KO
Nrl.Cre (M. musculus) Jackson Lab C57BL/6J‐Tg(Nrl‐cre)1Smgc/J
Recombinant DNA
Pd10.Nrl.Cre This paper, based on Akimoto et al, 2006 and Brightman et al, 2016 sequences N/A
AAVPk Addgene N/A
pHGTI helper Plasmid factory PF1810
pLenti‐CAG‐GFP‐P2A Generated by Dr Ortín‐Martínez Arturo and Professor Valerie Wallace, University of Toronto N/A
pLenti‐CAG‐RhoA‐GFP‐P2A Generated by Dr Ortín‐Martínez Arturo and Professor Valerie Wallace, University of Toronto N/A
pLenti‐CAG‐ΔNRac‐GFP‐P2A Generated by Dr Ortín‐Martínez Arturo and Professor Valerie Wallace, University of Toronto N/A
pMD2.G Addgene N/A
pCMVΔR8.74 Addgene N/A
CD81 Cell Signalling 10037
TSG101 BD Transd 612696
CD9 EDM Millipore CBL162
Alix Cell Signalling 2171
Cre recomb EDM Millipore MAB3120
GM130 Cell Signalling 12480
Opsin Sigma O4886
G‐alpha‐t1 Santa Cruz INC Sc389
Recoverin MERCK AB5585
GFP/CFP/RFP Clontech 632380
Anti‐LAMP1 Abcam [1D4B] (ab25245)
Beta actin R&D Systems MAB8929
Beta actin Sigma A2228
Rac Cytoskeleton Inc ARC03‐S
RhoA Cell Signaling (67B9) Rabbit mAb #2117
CD73 APC Miltenyl 130‐103‐052
Oligonucleotides and sequence‐based reagents
rtQPCR primers This study Expanded View‐ Materials and Methods
Gfp: GAAGCGCGATGACATGGT/CCATGCCGAGAGTGATCC/ probe 67 This study Expanded View‐ Materials and Methods
Cre: ATCTGGCATTTCTGGGGATTG/ GCAACACCATTTTTTCTGACCC/ probe 20 This study Expanded View‐ Materials and Methods
Gnat1: AGAGCTGGAGAAGAAGCTGAAA/ TAGTGCTCTTCCCGGATTCA/ probe 89 This study Expanded View‐ Materials and Methods
Rcvrn: CAATGGGACCATCAGCAAA/ CCTCAGGCTTGATCATTTTGA/ probe 67 This study Expanded View‐ Materials and Methods
Rho: ACCTGGATCATGGCGTT/ TGCCCTCAGGGATGTACC/probe 32 This study Expanded View‐ Materials and Methods
Crx: CCCCAATGTGGACCTGAT/GGCTCCTGGTGAATGTGGT/ probe 64 This study Expanded View‐ Materials and Methods
Nrl; TTCTGGTTCTGACAGTGACTACG/ TGGGACTGAGCAGAGAGAGG/ probe 53 This study Expanded View‐ Materials and Methods
Actb:AAGGCCAACCGTGAAAAGAT/GTGGTACGACCAGAGGCATAC/probe 56 This study Expanded View‐ Materials and Methods
Chemicals, enzymes and other reagents
RNase Sigma
Super RNAse Out 20 U/µl, Thermo Fisher
TaqMan® Universal PCR Master Mix Roche UK
FAM RTQPCR probe Universal Probe Library; Roche, Germany
Mitotracker‐Orange (Invitrogen/Molecular Probes, M7512)
SiR‐actin Cytoskeleton
SiR‐tubulin Cytoskeleton
SiR700‐lysosome Cytoskeleton
verapamil Cytoskeleton
DiI or DiO lipophilic tracers Thermo Fisher
Cytochalasin D Sigma
ROCK inhibitor Y‐27632 Sigma
Latrunculin B Sigma
Fibronectin Sigma
Poly‐D‐lysine hydrobromide Sigma
GraphPad Prism 8 GraphPad
Adobe Photoshop version 22.4 Adobe
Image J (FIJI) NIH
HyVolution software (Scientific Volume Imaging Huygens) Scientific Volume Imaging
Chemidoc‐Gel Lab Bio‐Rad
Fast Real‐time Sequence Detection System (Applied Bioscience, USA) Applied Bioscience
QuantiTect® Whole Transcriptome Qiagen
Qiagen RNeasy® Mini kit Qiagen
Immobilon™ Western Chemiluminescent HRP substrate kit Millipore, USA
CD73 APC and anti APC microbeads and magnetic rack Miltenyl
Worthington Papain Dissociation System Worthington Biochemical Corporation, USA