Table 1.
Adjusted t-test P values for selective fiber clusters showing significant (and trend) patterns of frontostriatal convergence
Hemisphere | Fiber cluster number | FreeSurfer regions of interest | t-Test adjusted P values |
Left | 1 | Rostralmiddlefrontal, superiorfrontal | 0.10 |
Left | 6 | IFG, parstriangularis | 0.0000012** |
Left | 8 | IFG, parstriangularis | 0.0043* |
Left | 9 | Rostralmiddlefrontal | 0.016* |
Left | 10 | Medial and lateral orbitofrontal | 0.061 |
Right | 1 | Rostralmiddlefrontal, superiorfrontal | 0.067 |
Right | 6 | IFG, parstriangularis | 0.0000011** |
Right | 8 | IFG, parstriangularis | 0.0051* |
Right | 9 | Rostralmiddlefrontal | 0.0080* |
Right | 10 | Medial and lateral orbitofrontal | 0.049* |
Note: *P < 0.05
** P < 0.001