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. 2021 Oct 21;9:751197. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.751197

Table 3.

The multiple regression analysis outputs using COVID-19 deaths per one million populations as a dependent variable.

Covariates Estimate Standard Error t-value p-value
(Intercept) −1254.98 2591.06 −0.484 0.6324
COVID-19 community transmission 3436.51 2891.65 1.188 0.2458
Number of tests per one million population −109.08 1531.39 −0.071 0.9438
Number of populations 561.4 1319.94 0.425 0.6742
Life expectancy 2961.46 1563.74 1.894 0.0699*
Proportion of rural population −3309.14 2006.25 −1.649 0.1116
Proportion living in urban agglomeration −673.02 1057.79 −0.636 0.5304
Gross domestic product per capita −1718.18 2147.68 −0.8 0.4312
GINI index 1433.11 1239.62 1.156 0.2586
Doing business rank 677.27 1482.61 0.457 0.6518
Diabetes prevalence 2923.41 1407.29 2.077 0.0482
Tuberculosis incidence rate −1044.7 1488.99 −0.702 0.4894
BCG coverage −333.45 1073.33 −0.311 0.7586
Lower respiratory infection rate 1873.49 1034.67 1.811 0.0822*
HIV prevalence 2782.98 1911.04 1.456 0.1578
Number of nurses −3821.9 1653.49 −2.311 0.0293
Number of physicians −197.2 1763.89 −0.112 0.9119
GHS index 2871.86 1127.17 2.548 0.0174
Mean BMI 1050.76 1636.1 0.642 0.5266
Number of malaria cases −12.97 1248.88 −0.01 0.9918
Communicable diseases burden 3543.01 2161.26 1.639 0.1137
Cancer prevalence 1540.17 1978.97 0.778 0.4437
raised BP −272.75 1808.56 −0.151 0.8813
Air traffic 1193.02 1770.7 0.674 0.5067
Ultraviolet radiation −2083.54 1535.16 −1.357 0.1868
PM2.5 air pollution exposure 33.07 1058.29 0.031 0.9753
Annual mean temperature 524.94 1103.41 0.476 0.6384
Annual mean rainfall −1251.68 1398.24 −0.895 0.3792
Internet filtering −1083.98 1196.02 −0.906 0.3734

Bold character indicates statistical significance (P < 0.05).


Indicates variables with a trend towards statistical significance (0.05 < p <0.10).

Communicable diseases and maternal, prenatal, and nutrition conditions. BCG, Bacille Calmette et Guérin; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure, defined as SBP ≥ 140 OR DBP ≥ 90; GHS, global health security.