Figure 1: CF neutrophils do not exhibit increased spontaneous migration in whole blood.
A drop of diluted blood was loaded into a microfluidic device composed of 8 migratory mazes filled with media. Spontaneous neutrophil migration parameters were studied in the absence of chemoattractants. (A) Schematic representation of the device showing spontaneous neutrophil migration from the whole blood loading chamber to the migratory maze composed of red blood cell (RBC) filters, migration channels, and a maze. (B) The average velocity of neutrophils in non-CF (N=13), CF-Outpatient (N=13), and CF-Hospitalized (N=12) were comparable (non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s test). (C) Percentages of maze coverage in non-CF, CF-Outpatient, and CF-Hospitalized were similar (parametric ANOVA with Tukey’s test). (D) The relationship between NSM score and maze coverage was highly linear (R2=0.81), with no differences between neutrophils from the three different groups. NSM= neutrophil spontaneous migration