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. 2021 Nov 4;12:6402. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26543-x

Fig. 3. Genetic and environmental contribution to variation in bacterial communities.

Fig. 3

A Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) of bacterial community composition for each reef habitat depicts host genotype contribution to microbial community composition. Each plot shows one of the three habitats (mid slope, upper slope, and back reef), each symbol represents a colony, symbol colors denote the genotype (G1 = orange (n = 38), G2 = light green (n = 16), G3 = pink (n = 15), G4 = blue (n = 32), G5 = purple (n = 13), G6 = dark green (n = 21)), ellipses are drawn around each group’s centroid (95%) for genotypes with n ≥ 3 samples. B Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) of bacterial community composition for each host clonal genotype depicts habitat contribution to microbial community composition. Each plot shows one of the six genotypes (G1 to G6), each symbol represents a clone, symbol colors denote the habitat in which the clone was found (mid slope = blue (n = 26), upper slope = yellow (n = 90), back reef = red (n = 19)), ellipses are drawn around each group’s centroid (95%) for habitats with n ≥ 3 samples. One-way PERMANOVA test significance is shown for each analysis (P-values).