Fig. 3. The feature of enhancers in CMS subgroups.
A The patient identifier of members in four CMS subgroups. B The consensus molecular subtypes (CMS) classification of CRC samples using R package CMScaller. C Correlation of H3K27ac signal on the regions of gain VELs in all tumor samples of CMS1–4 subgroups. Correlations were calculated by the Spearman correlation coefficient. D The required recurrence for gain VELs in each CMS subgroup to meet statistical significance (p.adj <0.05) at different cut-offs. The dashed lines highlight the recurrence of gain VELs when achieve the cut-off (0.9, black dashed line) of a significant percentage. When recurrence reach to the cut-off, the significant percentage of CMS1 = 93.942%, CMS2 = 93.615%, CMS3 = 95.741% and CMS4 = 93.548%. p.adj indicates the BH adjusted t-test p-value. A two-sided test was utilized here. E The number of subgroup significant gain VELs in four CMS subgroups. F The average H3K27ac signal (RPM) on the regions of gain VELs in four CMS subgroups. G The number of subgroup-specific gain VELs in each CMS. The subgroup-specific gain VELs were identified when the mean RPM of one VEL in one CMS subgroup was 1.5 times higher than the other three. H Functional annotation of target genes associated with CMS2 specific gain VELs based on their significant overlap with gene sets annotated in Gene Ontology (Biological Process) and pathway database (Reactome). I Meta tracks of normalized H3K27ac on CEL and DPEP1 gene loci in four CMS subgroups.