Figure 3.
Cortical α2-AR antagonism blocks VNS-driven map reorganization without altering α2-AR protein expression. (A) Unlike yohimbine, the selective α2-AR antagonist RS79948 did not increase total motor map area in VNS-treated subjects (n = 4). (B) RS79948 infusion blocked VNS-induced expansion of the PFL representation. In (A), (B), *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, Tukey post hoc comparison. (C–E) Intracortical infusion of yohimbine did not significantly alter the protein expression of α2A adrenoreceptor (α2A-AR, D) or α2C adrenoreceptor (α2C-AR, E) subtypes in M1. In (C), protein samples used to quantify expression of α2A-AR (top) and α2C-AR (bottom) were processed in parallel on separate gels. Control signals (GAPDH) were then detected from both membranes in parallel after stripping the primary antibodies of each α2-AR subtype. Images in (C) have been cropped to improve the clarity and conciseness of the presentation; full-length blots are presented in Supplementary Fig. 4. In D-E, α2A-AR (D) and α2C-AR (E) signal intensity is presented relative to same-column GAPDH intensity. Filled circles denote data for individual subjects; error bars denote SEM.