(a-g): Haematoxylin and eosin stained spleen tissues with 10x magnification (I) Normal control spleen section showing normal echo texture with an obvious nucleus, (II) showing necrotic changes with depletion of white pulp, (III) apparently visible nuclei, (IV) marked prominent nuclei with minimum intercellular space and healthy lymphoid tissue as normal, (V) well defined spleen section with compacted spleen cells, (VI) proper order of splenocytes were observed, (VII) well defined spleen with clear nuclei. 6 (h-n): Haematoxylin- and eosin-stained liver tissues with 10x magnification (I) Normal mice liver section showing normal architecture, (II) prominent pathological changes characterized by focal necrosis and edema, (III) kupffer cells are reactivated, (IV) looks apparently healthy alike normal, (V) apparently healthy with bi-nucleated cells, (VI and VII) necrotic changes were reversed with clearly visible of nuclei.