Fig. 5. Linoleic acid (LA) enhanced SIRT6 expression and reversed migration, EMT, and the glycolytic phenotypes of PDAC with KLF10 deficiency.
a Cumulative migratory assay of Panc-1pLKO and Panc-1shKLF10 cells with and without 50 μM LA treatment for 16 h. Data are presented as the mean ± SE (* and ** represent p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively). The experiments were repeated three times. b Representative immunoblots of E-cadherin and mesenchymal and glycolytic protein expression in Panc-1pLKO and Panc-1shKLF10 cells with and without 50 μM LA treatment for 16 h. β-Actin was used as the internal control. Quantitative analysis of at least three experiments is shown below the immunoblots. c Upper panel: Representative IVIS image of mice at 1–4 weeks after injection with ASPC-1pLKO and ASPC-1shKLF10 with and without 1% LA treatment in daily water for 8 weeks as described in the “Materials and methods”. Lower panel: Cumulated IVIS signal of at least six mice in each experimental group that were injected with ASPC-1pLKO and ASPC-1shKLF10 and received 1% LA treatment in daily water for 8 weeks or did not, as indicated. Each point represents the mean ± SE at least six mice (* signifies p < 0.05). d Cumulated lactate production assay of Panc-1pLKO and Panc-1shKLF10 cells with and without LA treatment at 50 μM for 16 h. Data are presented as the mean ± SE (* represents p < 0.05). The experiments were repeated three times. e The survival curves of mice injected with Panc-1pLKO and Panc-1shKLF10 that received 1% LA treatment in daily water for 8 weeks or did not, as indicated. Each experimental group contained at least six mice. The median survival of mice injected with Panc-1shKLF10 without and with LA treatment was 37 and 50 days (p = 0.038; * signifies p < 0.05).