Table 10.
Predictability results.
Palladium | Platinum | Silver | ||
Pre-COVID Announcement | 0.0948*** (0.0065) [14.4949] |
−0.2373*** (0.0672) [−3.5318] |
0.0068 (0.007768) [0.872976] |
Post-COVID Announcement | 0.0083 (0.0085) [0.9706] |
0.05724*** (0.0041) [14.0426] |
−0.0031* (0.0018) [−1.6886] |
Note: *** and ** & * imply the rejection of the null hypothesis of no predictability at 1%, 5% & 10% levels of significance, respectively. Values in parentheses - () denote standard errors while those reported in square brackets – [] are for t-statistics.