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. 2021 Oct 22;12:758583. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.758583


Ethnobotanical information of plants used for mitigating pain and inflammatory-related conditions in South Africa. Botanical names were verified using PlantZAfrica ( and South African National Biodiversity Institute website ( as well as the World Flora Online ( The listed 87 plants had ≥3 mentions and the full list of 495 plants recorded in the current study is presented in Supplementary Table S1. *Common name: A, Afrikaans; E, English; K, Khoi; KS, Khoisan (Khoe-San), SS, Southern Sotho; SL, Sepulana; NS, Northern Sotho; TW, Twana; X, Xhosa; V, Vhenda; Z, Zulu. #Part used; ns, not specified; Nm, number of mentions/citations.

Botanical name *Common name Family Life-form #Part used Application(s) Reference Nm
Acokanthera oppositifolia (Lam.) Codd. Synonyms: Acokanthera venenata and Carissa acokanthera Bushman’s arrow poison, Hottentot’s poison bush, kaffir poison bush, poison bush/tree (E), iNxinene (X), ubuhlungu benyoka, umkhwangu, and Inhlungunyembe (Z) Apocynaceae Shrub Leaves and roots For painful feet, rheumatism, toothache, abnormal menstrual period, and swellings. Analgesic (headache, general pain, and sharp internal body pains). Powder made from the dry roots is used as a stuff for headache Hutchings et al. (1996); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Bhat and Jacobs (1995) 4
Agathosma betulina (Berg.) Pillans. Synonyms: Diosma betulina Thunb. and Bucco betulina Schult. Long-leaf buchu (E), langblaar boegoe (A), buchu (K), and ibuchu (X) Rutaceae Shrub Leaves For relieving the symptoms of rheumatism and easing backache. Dried leaves are used to treat stomachache. Infusions used for arthritis, inflammation, and backache. Applied externally for sprains and (arthritic) pains. Dried leaves are placed on a cloth and sprinkle with brandy/vinegar and wrapped around the affected area to relieve the pain Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011); Thring and Weitz (2006); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009) 6
Aloe arborescens Mill. Synonyms: Aloe arborea Medik. and Catevala arborescens (Mill.) Medik. Krantz aloe (E), kransaalwyn (A), ikalene (X), Inhlabane, and Inkalane (Z) Xanthorrhoeaceae Shrub Leaves, ns Musculoskeletal inflammation. A small portion of leaves are mixed with chicken feed as an anti-inflammatory herb. Two-three spoons of leaf gel are taken orally to treat stomachache. For relieving menstrual pains and poultice for painful feet Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Bhat (2014); Mbanjwa (2020) 3
Aloe ferox Mill. Synonyms: Aloe galpinii Baker and Aloe muricata Haw. Bitter aloe, red aloe, century tree (E), bitteraalwyn, bergaalwyn (A), iKhala, umHlaba, uNomaweni (X), and iNhlaba (Z) Xanthorrhoeaceae Shrub Leaves Leaves are boiled in water and taken orally for arthritis. Leaf gel is used for stomachache. Leaf infusion is used for back pain. Leaf decoctions (half a cup) are taken orally for stomachache. Leaf infusion is taken orally as a gargle for toothache. For relieving headache Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Bruce (1975); Maroyi (2017); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Bhat and Jacobs (1995); Bhat (2014); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Mbanjwa (2020) 8
Anemone vesicatoria (L.f.) Prantl. Synonyms: Knowltonia vesicatoria (L.f.) Sims and Christophoriana vesicatoria (L.f.) Kuntze Blisterleaf (E), brandblaar, katjiedrieblaar, and tandpynblaar (A) Ranunculaceae Herb Leaves Fresh leaf infusions are used for rheumatism. Used to treat toothache and headache Forbes (1986); Hutchings et al. (1996); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 3
Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. Synonyms: Absinthium ponticum (L.) Garsault and Absinthium tenuifolium Gaterau Wild wormwood, African wormwood (E), Wildeals (KS), and Mhlonyane (Z) Asteraceae Shrub Leaves and stem Leaves used as a compress with cooking oil to alleviate pain (inflammation). For treating backache and stomach pain. Infusion used for headache and earache. Leaves placed in ear as a bud for toothache. Infusion made from a handful of the leaves can be taken daily to treat headache. Leaves are made into a poultice for inflammation and rheumatism Nortje and V3an Wyk (2015); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Coopoosamy and Naidoo (2012); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Thring and Weitz (2006); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009) 6
Asclepias crispa P.J.Bergius. Synonyms: Asclepias sabulosa Schltr. and Asclepias sinuosa Burm.f. Bitter Root (E), bitterhout (A), and Witvergeet (KS) Apocynaceae Herb Roots The root used with clove as snuff for headache, root chewed, and placed in a tooth for toothache. Root decoctions used for toothache and stomachache. Root infusion is used for the treatment of rheumatism Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Van Wyk et al. (2008); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 3
Athrixia phylicoides DC. Bushman’s tea (E), Boesmanstee (A), icholocholo, itshelo, Inkalane, Ishanelo, and umtshanela (Z) Asteraceae Shrub Leaves Leaves are used with roots of Athrixia elata in decoctions for bathing sore feet. Musculoskeletal (inflammation). For relieving headache Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Mbanjwa (2020) 3
Baccharoides adoensis (Sch.Bip. ex Walp.) H.Rob. Synonyms: Ascaricida adoensis Steetz and Vernonia polymorpha var. polymorpha innyathelo, inyathelo, and uhlonyane (Z) Asteraceae Herb Leaves, stem, and roots Decoctions from leaves and stems are used for stomach cramps, nervous spasms of the stomach, and backbone pain. Root decoctions are taken for chest pain Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Pujol (1990); Hutchings et al. (1996) 3
Ballota africana (L.) Benth. Synonyms: Marrubium africanum L. and Stachys africana (L.) Kuntze Cape horehound, Cat Herb, Catmint (E), Kattekrui, Kattekruie, kattekruid (A), and Kattekruid (KS) Lamiaceae Herb Leaves Leaves are used for the treatment of arthritis. As compress on sick children`s feet to get rid of the pains, on head for headache, and on cheek for toothache. Leaf infusion is given for stomach pain and headache. For washing aching legs. Applied as an ointment to pain and inflammation as well as backache. Leaf infusion used externally for headache and rheumatism Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Van Wyk et al. (2008); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 5
Berchemia zeyheri (Sond.) Grubov. Synonyms: Phyllogeiton zeyheri and Rhamnus zeyheri Ivory wood, red ebony (E), Dinee (SL), umgologolo, umncaka, umneyi, and umnini (Z) Rhamnaceae Tree Bark and roots Bark infusions are administered as enemas for pains in the back and for rectal ulceration in children. Roots are used as a remedy to relieve headache Mabogo (1990); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Shai et al. (2020) 3
Bidens pilosa L. Synonyms: Bidens alausensis Kunth and Bidens cannabina Lam. Black jack, Spanish needles (E), knapsekerel, wewenaars (A), inongwe (X), amalenjane, and uqadolo (Z) Asteraceae Herb Stem, seeds, and leaves Young shoots are chewed for rheumatism. Burnt seed is rubbed into scarifications on the sides of the body for the relief of pain. Leaf decoction (1/4th a cup) is taken twice daily to treat arthritis. Squeezed liquid from leaves is used as ear drops to relieve earache. For relieving menstrual pains Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Hutchings et al. (1996); Bhat (2014); Mokganya and Tshisikhawe (2019); Mbanjwa (2020) 5
Boophone disticha (L. f.) Herb. Synonyms: Amaryllis disticha L.f. and Boophone longipedicellata Pax Cape poison bulb, sore-eye flower (E), gitbol, gifui, kopseerblom (A), incotho, incwadi, Ingcotho, and Umayime (Z) Amaryllidaceae Herb Bulbs Bulb decoctions are administered by mouth or as enemas to adults for headaches, sharp chest pains, and persistent bladder pains. For patients suffering from inkwatshu, a condition characterized by the development of cramp-like pains in the calf muscles associated with a feeling of tightness in the fingers and toes. Moistened bulb scales used for rheumatic pain. Analgesic (lower back aches). Bulb leaves used as a compress for pain and inflammation Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Hutchings et al. (1996); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Coopoosamy and Naidoo (2012); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 5
Bridelia micrantha (Hochst.) Baill. Synonyms: Bridelia stenocarpa Müll.Arg. and Candelabria micrantha Hochst. Coastal goldenleaf (E), bruinstinkhout (A), Ditsere (SL), munzere (V) umhlamagwababa, and umshonge (Z) Phyllanthaceae Tree Roots, bark, and leaves Roots are used for severe epigastric pain and rubbed into the scalp for headache. Bark used for toothache and leaves for painful eyes and headache. Bark decoction is used to rinse the oral cavity to relieve toothache Hutchings et al. (1996); Mabogo (1990); Shai et al. (2020), Arnold and Gulumian (1984) 4
Bulbine latifolia (L.f.) Spreng. Synonyms: Bulbine brunsvigiaefolia and Bulbine natalensis Broad-leaved bulbine, red carrot (E), rooiwortel, geelkopieva (A), incelwane (X), and ibhucu (Z) Xanthorrhoeaceae Herb Tubers and roots Xhosa and Dutch settlers use tubers for rheumatism. Root infusions or decoctions are used for rheumatism. Roots are used for treating arthritis Hutchings et al. (1996); Van Wyk and Gericke (2000); Philander (2011) 3
Cannabis sativa L. Synonyms: Cannabis chinensis Delile and Cannabis sativa var. indica (Lam.) Wehmer Marijuana (E), dagga (A), Umya, Matakwane, intsangu (X), Matekwane/Patse (NS), and Nsangu (Z) Cannabaceae Herb Whole plant and leaves Whole plant is used to treat excessive headache. Leaf decoction is taken to relieve chronic pain. Used as painkillers and for toothache Mongalo and Makhafola (2018); Bhat (2013); Mbanjwa (2020) 3
Capparis tomentosa Lam. Synonyms: Capparis alexandrae Chiov. and Capparis subtomentosa De Wild. Woolly caper bush (E), Wollerige kapperbos (A), inkunzi-ebomvu, iqwaningi, and umqoqolo (Z) Capparaceae Tree Roots The roots boiled in water half a cupful of the infusion are taken three times a day. Powdered roots are rubbed on swollen ankles. Roots are burnt and the smoke is inhaled to relieve headache Hutchings et al. (1996); Pujol (1990); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Arnold and Gulumian (1984) 4
Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.E.Br. Synonyms: Abryanthemum edule (L.) Rothm. and Mesembryanthemum edule L. Sour fig, Cape fig, Hottentots fig (E), ghaukum, ghoenavy, Hottentotsvy, Kaapsevy, perdevy, rankvy, suurvy, vyerank (A), ikhambi-lamabulawo, and umgongozi (Z) Aizoaceae Creeper Leaves To treat painful lungs. Leaf juice gargled for sore throat, teething problems, and earache as well as stomachache Van Wyk et al. (2008); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011); Mogale et al. (2019) 4
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don. Synonyms: Lochnera rosea, Pervinca rosea (L.) Gaterau and Vinca rosea var. alba (G. Don) Sweet Periwinkle, vinca (E), Imbali yamathuna, Imbali yesibaya, Isona, Ubani bezwe, and Umangashi (Z) Apocynaceae Herb Leaves, roots, and milky sap Leaves are used for rheumatism. Milky sap is used for insect bites. Roots are used for toothache. Analgesic (headache; toothache) Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Hutchings et al. (1996); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Mogale et al. (2019) 4
Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. Synonyms: Centella hirtella Nannf. and Hydrocotyle biflora P. Vell. Marsh Pennywort (E), kleinkattekruid, varkoortjies (A), Umangobozane, and Isgoba (Z) Apiaceae Herb Whole plant and leaves Fresh plant decoction is taken orally for rheumatoid arthritis. Analgesic (sharp internal body pains). Fresh leaves used as ear plugs to relieve ear pain in children Van Wyk and Gericke (2000); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Van Wyk et al. (2008) 3
Chironia baccifera L. Synonyms: Chironia parviflora Salisb. and Chironia baccifera var. elongata E.Mey. Christmas berry (E), aambeibossie, bitterbossie (A), and Bitterbos (KS) Gentianaceae Shrub Leaves and whole plant Used for backache, rheumatism, arthritis, and woman ailments (menstrual pains). Infusions used for stomach ailments, pain and inflammation, backache, and headache Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009) 3
Cissampelos capensis L.f. Synonyms: Antizoma capensis (L.f.) Diels and Phyllanthus cinereoviridis Pax Davidjieswortel, Dawidjieswortel, and Fynblaarklimop (A) Menispermaceae Shrub Roots and leaves Roots are chewed for severe stomach pain. Root infusions as a remedy for toothache and headache. Fresh leaf infusions and decoctions are used for treating pain, backache, and stomach ailments Van Wyk et al. (2008); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009) 3
Cliffortia odorata L.f. Synonyms: Cliffortia alnifolia Rchb. and Cliffortia odorata var. vera Harv. Wild vine (E), wildewingerd, and wildevyerank (A) Rosaceae Shrub Leaves, roots, and stem, ns Used for backache, pain, and inflammation as well as arthritis Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009) 3
Colocasia antiquorum Schott. Synonyms: Colocasia fontanesii Schott and Colocasia tonoimo Nakai Elephant’s ear (E), idumbe (lomfula), and idumbi (Z) Araceae Herb Tubers, roots, and leaves Crushed root decoctions are administered as enemas for stomach trouble. Tubers are used as poultices for rheumatism. Bruised leaves are applied directly to cuts from insect stings Hutchings et al. (1996); Hulme (1954); Pujol (1990) 3
Conyza scabrida DC. Synonyms: Nidorella ivifolia (L.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt, Erigeron dentatus Burm.f, and Fimbrillaria baccharoides Cass. Oven Bush (E), Bakbos, oondbos, paddabos (A), and Vleiwilger (KS) Asteraceae Shrub Leaves Leaf decoction used for backache. Infusion with ballerja used for headache. Leaf infusions used for cramps after labor and pain as well as rheumatism. Used as a compress to relieve arthritis, pain and inflammation, headache, backache, and stomachache Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Van Wyk et al. (2008); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011); Thring and Weitz (2006) 6
Cotyledon orbiculata L. Synonyms: Cotyledon ambigua Salisb. and Cotyledon tricuspidata Haw. Pig’s ears, cotyledon (E), plakkie, platjies, varkoorblare, varkoor, kouterie (A), imphewula (X), and ipewula (Z) Crassulaceae Herb Leaves Leaves are boiled and filtered, and a drop of decoction is used for earache. Leaves are heated and placed on a swollen body part to treat inflammation. Leaf juice treats earache and toothache. Used for earache Bhat and Jacobs (1995); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011) 3
Crinum macowanii Baker. Synonyms: Crinum corradii Chiov. ex Chiarugi and Crinum pedicellatum Pax Boslelie (A), Cape Coast Lily, Common Vlei Crinum (E), Intelezi (X), Intelezi, Uguqu, and Umduze (Z) Amaryllidaceae Herb Bulbs Decoctions of the bulb taken orally for rheumatic fever. Analgesic (toothache); musculoskeletal inflammation). Used for headache Hutchings et al. (1996); Van Wyk and Gericke (2000); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Mbanjwa (2020) 4
Croton steenkampianus Gerstner Marsh Fever-berry (E), vleikoorsbessie (A), and uhubeshane omkhulu (Z) Euphorbiaceae Shrub Leaves Steam from fresh leaf decoctions is inhaled to relieve aches. A remedy against painful joints, back, and rheumatism Pooley (1993); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Hutchings et al. (1996) 3
Dalbergia armata E.Mey. Thorny-rope, flat-bean, Hluhluwe climber (E), doringtou (A), sehlokootswa (NS), uBobo (X), Umhluhluwe, and Umhluhlube (Z) Fabaceae Shrub Roots and leaves, ns Analgesic (sharp internal body pains). The roots are boiled in water and the water is gargled to relieve toothache. Leaf decoction is taken (half a cup thrice daily) for body pains Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Corrigan et al. (2011); Bhat and Jacobs (1995) 3
Datura stramonium L. Synonyms: Datura bernhardii and Datura inermis Downy thorn apple, ditch weed, Jimson weed, stinkwort (E), gewone stinkblaar, malpitte (A), Stinkblaar (KS), umhlavuthwa (X), and iloqi (Z) Solanaceae Herb Leaves Leaves are smoked for the relief of headaches. Leaf infusions are used for treating rheumatism. Powdered leaves are applied to human bruises to alleviate inflammation. Leaves applied as a compress on pain (inflammation), backache, headache, and earache Van Wyk et al. (1997); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 4
Dicerothamnus rhinocerotis (L.f.) Koek. Synonyms: Elytropappus rhinocerotis (L.f.) Less., Stoebe rhinocerotis L.f., and Seriphium adpressum DC. Rhinoceros bush, rhenoster bush (E), renosterbos, rhenosterbos (A), and Renosterbos (KS) Asteraceae Shrub Leaves and stem Leaf decoction used for painful legs, as a wash for burning feet, and as a compress for backache. Used as a wash for rheumatism. Infusion of young stem is used for back pain. Leaves are chewed and juices swallowed for stomachache. Infusions used for stomachache, headache, and earache Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Van Wyk et al. (2008); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Thring and Weitz (2006) 4
Dicoma capensis Less. Synonyms: Berkheya albida DC. and Tibestina lanuginosa Maire Fever bush (E), Karmedik, verpis, vyfpondbos, Melktou (A), and koorsbos(sie) (KS) Asteraceae Herb Leaves Leaf infusion with other plants used for rheumatism and backache. For treating rheumatism and stomach pain Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Van Wyk et al. (2008); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011) 3
Dodonaea viscosa Jacq var. angustifolia (L.f) Benth. Synonym: Dodonaea arabica Hochst. & Steud. and Dodonaea angustifolia L.f. Sand olive (E), makkaree, Sandolien, ysterhouttoppe (A), and mutata-vhana (V) Sapindaceae Shrub Leaves Leaf decoctions are used against arthritis. Infusion of leafy tips is used for back pain. Powdered leaves used as a snuff for headache. Leaf infusions used for pain and inflammation, backache, and arthritis. The leaf tops (±3 teaspoons in 1 L boiling water) are made into an infusion and small amount taken 3 times daily to treat arthritis, inflammation, and rheumatism Van Wyk et al. (1997); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Van Wyk et al. (2008); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011); Thring and Weitz (2006); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009) 8
Dovyalis caffra (Hook.f. & Harv.) Sim. Synonyms: Aberia caffra and Dovyalis caffra (Hook. f. & Harv.) Warb. Kei-apple, Dingaan’s apricot, wild apricot (E), Kei-appel, appelkoosdoring (A), mutunu (V), and Umqokolo (Z) Salicaceae Shrub Root, bark, and thorn Roots and thorns are used for treating chest pain. Decoction of the bark and root is a remedy for rheumatism. Analgesic (sharp internal body pains). Thorn decoction is drunk for pain in chest (heart side) Bryant (1966); Cumes et al. (2009); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Arnold and Gulumian (1984) 5
Drimia elata Jacq. Synonyms: Drimia alta R.A.Dyer and Drimia robusta Baker Satin Squill (E), brandui, maerman (A), indongana-zibomvana, and isiklenama (Z) Asparagaceae Herb Bulbs Bulb scales are rubbed on the chest for stabbing pains. Poultice of the bulb is used against pain and inflammation. Topical arthritis remedy Hutchings et al. (1996); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011) 3
Ekebergia capensis Sparrm. Synonyms: Ekebergia buchananii Harms and Trichilia ekebergia E. Mey. ex Sond. Cape ash, dog plum (E), essenhout, rooiess(en)hout (A), nyamaru (TW), mmidibidi (NS), Mutovuma (V), umnyamathi, umthoma, usimanaye, and uvungu (Z) Meliaceae Tree Roots, bark, and leaves Roots are used for headaches. Leaves and bark are used for headache. Bark is macerated and used as an enema to relieve backache for 2 days Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mabogo (1990); Arnold and Gulumian (1984) 3
Erythrina lysistemon Hutch. Synonym: Erythrina caffra var. mossambicensis Common coral tree, lucky bean tree (E), gewone koraalboom, kanniedood (A), umsintsi (X), muvhale (V), mophete (TW), and umsinsi (Z) Fabaceae Tree Bark Bark is used to treat arthritis and toothache. Bark is used as a poultice for swellings and abscesses. The bark s using toothache Pujol (1990); Mabogo (1990); Van Wyk et al. (1997); Mbanjwa (2020) 4
Eucomis comosa (Houtt.) Wehrh. var. comosa. Synonyms: Eucomis pallidiflora Bak and Eucomis punctata L'Herit. Pineapple flower (E), krulkoppie, Pynappellelie (A), Ubuhlungu-becanti (X), and Ubuhlungu-becanti (Z) Asparagaceae Herb Roots and bulbs Medicine made from the root is administered as an antirheumatic in doses of one spoonful. Bulb decoctions are used for rheumatism Gerstner (1941); Hutchings et al. (1996); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962) 3
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Synonyms: Anethum foeniculum L. and Foeniculum officinale ALL. Fennel, vinkel (E), i(li)beka, imbozisa, and imboziso(-eluhlaza) (Z) Apiaceae Herb Leaves Leaf decoctions are taken three times a day or taken as enemas for pain in the side. Used for cramps and stomach ache. Analgesic (toothache); musculoskeletal inflammation. Infusion of the leaves is used for stomachache and arthritis Hutchings et al. (1996); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Thring and Weitz (2006) 5
Galenia africana L. Synonyms: Galenia linearis Thunb. and Galenia tenuifolia Salisb. Geelbos, perdebos, kraalbos (A), and Kraalbos (KS) Aizoaceae Shrub Leaves and twigs Twig/leaf placed in tooth for toothache. Bathe in a weak infusion to relieve rheumatism. Leaf infusion used to treat leg pain. Used as wash or ointment and as a rinse for toothache, rheumatism, pain, and inflammation Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Van Wyk et al. (2008); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011) 5
Galium tomentosum Thunb. Synonyms: Galium asperum var. villosum Eckl. & Zeyh. and Galium glabrum Thunb. Old Man’s Beard (E), Rooivergeet, Kleefgras (A), and Jantjiegoub (KS) Rubiaceae Herb Roots Roots are powdered and used as a snuff for headache. As a remedy for inflammation Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011) 3
Gnidia kraussiana Meisn. Synonyms: Gnidia hoepjiwriana, Lasiosiphon hoepfnerianus, and Lasiosiphon kraussianus (Meisn.) Burtt Davy Yellow heads (E), gifbossie (A), umarhedeni (X), isidikili, imfuzane, and umsilawengwe (Z) Thymelaeaceae Herb Roots Strong enemas made from root extracts are taken for stomach complaints. Roots in milk decoctions for backache and stomach sores. Root decoctions or infusions are taken for chest complaints. For lower back pain Hulme (1954); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Hutchings et al. (1996); Mbanjwa (2020) 4
Gomphocarpus fruticosus (L.) W.T.Aiton. Synonyms: Asclepias fruticosa and Gomphocarpus crinitus G.Bertol. Milkweed, narrow-leaved cotton bush, wild cotton (E), blaasoppies (A), Gewone (KS), ulusinga Iwesalukazi, and umsinga-lwesalukazi (Z) Apocynaceae Shrub Leaves and roots Leaf infusions are administered for stomach pain in children. Roots are used for general body pain and stomach ache. Root used as a snuff for headache and dry leaves used as a snuff for headache. Leaf decoction is taken orally as a headache treatment Gerstner (1941); Hulme (1954); Pujol (1990); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Mogale et al. (2019) 7
Gunnera perpensa L. Synonyms: Gunnera calthifolia and Perpensum blitispermum River pumpkin, wild Rhubarb (E), Iphuzi, Uxobo (X), Rivierpampoen (A), qobo (SS), Izibu, Ugobho, Uklenya, and Uxobo (Z) Gunneraceae Herb Roots and rhizomes Together with other plants such as Alepidea amatymbica and Crinum sp., the root decoctions are taken for pain in rheumatic fever and stomachache. Musculoskeletal (inflammation). Inflammation and menstrual pain. Root decoction is used to treat menstrual pain. Leaves used as a compress on pain and inflammation especially rheumatism and backache. Used as a compress for headache. Used for relieving menstrual pains and afterbirth pain Bryant (1966); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Maroyi (2017); Bhat (2014); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Mbanjwa (2020) 6
Helichrysum cymosum (L.) D.Don. Synonyms: Gnaphalium cernuum Thunb. and Gnaphalium tricostatum Sieber ex DC. Gold carpet (E), goue tapyt (A), imPepho, and imPepha (X) Asteraceae Herb Leaves Fresh leaves are boiled in water and the vapor used as a vapor bath for treating headache. For treating toothache Bhat and Jacobs (1995); Bhat (2013); Mbanjwa (2020) 3
Helichrysum odoratissimum (L.) Sweet. Synonyms: Gnaphalium strigosum Thunb. and Helichrysum rosmarinum Mattf. Most fragrant helichrysum (E), kooigoed, kruie (A), iphepho (X), and Hotnotskooigoed (KS) Asteraceae Herb Whole plant, ns Infusion used for backache. Whole plant is used for headache. Used for treating pain and inflammation, backache, toothache, menstrual pains, and cramp Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Maroyi (2017); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Mbanjwa (2020) 4
Hypoxis hemerocallidea Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Avé-Lall. Synonyms: Hypoxis rooperi S. Moore and Hypoxis patula Nel African potato, Star flower, yellow star (E), sterblom, geelsterretjie, gifbol (A), moli kharatsa, lotsane (SS), tshuka (TW), inongwe, ixhalanxa, ikhubalo lezithunzela (X), inkomfe, and inkomfe enkulu (Z) Hypoxidaceae Herb Corms and rootstock Infusions and decoctions of the plant are used for rheumatism. Juice from the rootstock is applied to burns. Corms are traditionally used for headaches. Analgesic (back pains, sharp internal body pains); musculoskeletal (arthritis) Hutchings et al. (1996); Van Wyk and Gericke (2000); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009) 5
Leonotis leonurus (L.) R.Br. Synonyms: Hemisodon leonurus (L.) Raf. and Phlomis leonurus L. Wild dagga, lion’s ear, leonotis (E), wildedagga, duiwelstabak (A), imvovo, utywala-bengcungcu, umfincafincane, umunyamunya (X), umfincafincane, umcwili, and utshwala-bezinyoni (Z) Lamiaceae Shrub Leaves and flowers Leaf decoction is taken orally to treat headache. Used to treat stomach ailments, backache, pain, and inflammation. An infusion is made from a handful of leaves and flowers steeped in boiling water and left to draw in a glass bottle. About 25 ml is drunk morning and night for arthritis, backache, headache, and rheumatism Bhat (2013); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011); Thring and Weitz (2006) 4
Melianthus comosus Vahl. Synonym: Diplerisma comosum (Vahl) Planch. Touch-me-not, honey flower (E), Kruidjie-roer-my-nie (A), and ibonya (Z) Melianthaceae Shrub Leaves and whole plant Plant decoctions are used to bathe rheumatic limbs and painful feet while leaf paste has also been used to reduce the swelling of bruises. Herb is applied topically for the inflamed leg. Boiled leaves are applied to painful knees. For treating rheumatism painful back and legs. Used as a wash for pain and inflammation, rheumatism, backache, wounds, and sores and as a rinse for toothache Hutchings et al. (1996); Van Wyk et al. (2008); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 4
Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. Synonyms: Mentha aepycaulos Candargy and Mentha brassoensis (Topitz) Trautm. Wild mint (E), ballerja, balderjan, baldrian,t’kamma (A), Ballerja (KS), inixina, inzinziniba (X), and ufuthana lomhlanga (Z) Lamiaceae Herb Leaves Leaves used as a compress on pains and sores. Ointment used for painful legs. Prepared as an infusion for treating headache and arthritis. Warm leaves used as a compress to treat headache and stomach pains, used for washing aching legs. Used to treat toothache, headache, earache, pain, and inflammation Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Van Wyk et al. (2008); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Thring and Weitz (2006) 5
Nicotiana glauca Graham. Synonyms: Nicotiana glauca f. lateritia Lillo and Nicotiana glauca var. angustifolia Comes Tree tobacco (E), wilde twak, jantwak(boom), jan twak (A), Jantwaks (KS), and Icubamfene (X) Solanaceae Shrub Leaves Warmed leaves used as a compress on pains. Leaves used as a plug or as a wash for earache. Used for headache. Fresh leaves are applied to the head as a poultice to draw out the pain. Dried leaves are used as fumitory to get rid of headache. As a compress on the head for headache, earache, pain, and inflammation Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Maroyi (2017); Van Wyk et al. (2008); Bhat (2014); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 5
Peltophorum africanum Sond. Synonym: Brasilettia africana Weeping wattle, Natal wattle (E), huilboom, kiaatboom (A), Mosêhla, Mosese (NS), Mosêtlha (TW), umsehle, and Isikhabamkhombe (Z) Fabaceae Tree Roots and bark Roots and bark are used for backache. Bark is also used for abdominal pain while leaves are used for toothache and abdominal pain. Root decoction used for treating body pain Pooley (1993); Mabogo (1990); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mogale et al. (2019); Tshikalange et al. (2016) 5
Pentanisia prunelloides subsp. latifolia (Hochst.) Verdc. Synonyms: Pentanisia variabilis Harv. var. latifolia and Declieuxia latifolia Hochst. Wild verbena, broad-leaved Pentanisia (E), sooibrandbossie (A), isigcikamlilo (X), Icishamlilo, and Icishamlilo elikhulu (Z) Rubiaceae Herb Leaves and roots Decoctions are sprinkled on painful parts for treating rheumatism. Pounded roots are applied to burns and used in poultices for inflammation and swollen joints. Leaf poultices or hot root decoctions are applied to painful swellings, rheumatic parts, sprains, and sores. Analgesic (general body pains). Root decoction is used for treating rheumatism Bryant (1966); Gerstner (1941); Hulme (1954); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Bhat (2014); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009); Mbanjwa (2020) 8
Pentzia incana (Thunb.) Kuntze. Synonyms: Chrysanthemum incanum Thunb. and Pentzia virgata Less. Anchor Karoo, Common Karro (E), Ankerkaroo, Gansie, Alsbossie, Rooikarobos (A), and Mohantsoana (SS) Asteraceae Shrub Leaves and twigs, ns For stomachache. Leaves are chewed to treat stomach cramps and to treat general pain. Twigs are chewed to extract juices for treating stomachache, backache, pain, and inflammation Van Wyk et al. (2008); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 3
Pittosporum viridiflorum Sims. Synonyms: Pittosporum abyssinicum, Pittosporum antunesii, Pittosporum commutatum, and Pittosporum floribundum Cheesewood (E), bosbeukenhout, Kasuur (A), Kgalagangwe (NS), Mosetlela (SS), Mutanzwakhamelo (V), umkhwenkwe (X), umfusamvu, umvusamu umkhwenkhwe, and umkwenkwe (Z) Pittosporaceae Shrub Bark and roots Bark decoctions are also taken for pains in the back as emetics or enemas for stomach troubles particularly those to ease pain. Root infusions are taken for chest pains. Taken for abdominal pain Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Maroyi (2017); Van Wyk et al. (2008) 3
Platycarpha glomerata (Thunb.) Less. Synonyms: Cynara glomerata Thunb. and Stobaea glomerata (Thunb.) Spreng. Imbozisa, Imbozisa encane, Isiphahluka, Ubani, Ubani olukhulu, Ukhula, Umabopha,Umbola, and Umkhwibi ompofu (Z) Asteraceae Herb Roots, ns Internal side pain in children, chest pain, and musculoskeletal (inflammation). Yellow sap is used for cleaning ear or earache Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011); Mbanjwa (2020) 3
Plumbago auriculata Lam. Synonyms: Plumbagidium auriculatum (Lam.) Spach and Plumbago capensis Cape leadwort, plumbago (E), syselbos (A), Umabophe, umatshintshine, (X), umasheleshele, Ubani, and umaswelisweli (Z) Plumbaginaceae Shrub Roots and leaves Powdered roots or dried leaves are taken as snuff to relieve headaches. Analgesic (sharp internal body pains) Gerstner (1941); Hutchings et al. (1996); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019) 3
Ptaeroxylon obliquum (Thunb.) Radlk. Synonyms: Ptaeroxylon utile Eckl. & Zeyh and Rhus obliqua Thunb. Sneezewood, stinkhout (E), Nieshout (A), Mulari, Munari, Munukha-vhaloi (V), Umthathi, Umthote (X), Ithatha, Umthathi, Umzane, and Uthathi (Z) Rutaceae Tree Bark Bark infusions are used against rheumatism and arthritis. Powdered bark is used to relieve headaches Pujol (1990); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019) 3
Rapanea melanophloeos (L.) Mez. Synonyms: Heeria melanophloeos (L.) Meisn. and Myrsine melanophloeos Cape beech tree (E), rooiboekenhout (A), Isiqwane Sehlathi (X), Mogônô (NS), Tshikonwa (V), Isihluthi-wentaba, and ikhubalwane (Z) Primulaceae Tree Bark Bark is used for stomach and muscular pain. Ground bark decoctions are taken for stomach ache Gerstner (1941); Hutchings et al. (1996); Pujol (1990) 3
Ricinus communis L. Synonyms: Ricinus africanus Mill. and Ricinus communis var. communis Castor bean (E), kasterolie (boom) (A), Olieboom, kasterolie (KS), Mupfure (V), Umkakuva, umhlakuva (X), Uhlakuva, and Umhlakuva (Z) Euphorbiaceae Shrub Leaves, seeds, and fruit Analgesic (toothache); musculoskeletal (inflammation). Oil from ground seeds used as ointment and leaves as a compress on pains and rheumatism. Leaves used as a compress on the cheek for toothache. Treating stomachache. Leaves are heated and placed on painful knees/joints. Oil squeezed from the fruits into the ear to relieve earache. Fresh leaves are ground and mixed with water and given orally to treat stomachache. Compress leaves used for headache, pain, inflammation, and sprains. Warm leaves are wrapped around a child for stomachache Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Maroyi (2017); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Arnold and Gulumian (1984); Bhat (2014); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019), Philander (2011); Thring and Weitz (2006); Mbanjwa (2020) 10
Rubus pinnatus Willd. Synonyms: Rubus kingaensis Engl. and Rubus pinnatus var. defensus Gust. South African blackberry (bramble or Raspberry), Capebramble (E), braambos braamboswortel (A), Iqunube (X), Ijingijolo, and Mfongosi (Z) Rosaceae Shrub Roots Root decoctions are taken for various respiratory ailments including pain in the chest. Roots are used for toothache either as warm water gargles or ground and inserted directly into the cavity Hutchings et al. (1996); Pujol (1990); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962) 3
Rubus rigidus Sm. Synonyms: Dyctisperma rigidus (Sm.) Raf. ex B.D.Jacks. and Rubus inedulis Rolfe White bramble (E), braambossie, braambos (A), Umgcunube (X), ijingijolo, Amajikijolo, and Amabhimbi (Z) Rosaceae Shrub Roots Root decoctions are taken as gargles for toothache. Root decoctions for acute pain during illnesses. Analgesic (toothache and sharp internal body pains) Hutchings et al. (1996); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Mbanjwa (2020) 4
Ruta graveolens L. Synonym: Ruta hortensis Mill. Rue, common rue, Herb of Grace, Garden Rue (E), wynruit, wynruik (A), and Wynruit (KS) Rutaceae Shrub Leaves and stem Leaf infusion used for menstruation pains and toothache. As compress for low back pain and other pains. Leaf infusion to relieve stomachache and treatment of headache. Used for inflammation and earache Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Van Wyk et al. (2008); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011); Thring and Weitz (2006); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009) 7
Salix mucronata Thunb. Synonyms: Salix capensis var. mucronata Anders and Salix safsaf Forssk. ex Trautv. Wild willow (E), Treurwilg Wildewilgerboom (A), Munengeledzi (V), and Wilgerboom (KS) Salicaceae Tree Branch tips, leaves, and bark Indicated as a remedy against rheumatism. Leaf infusions used for backache. Leaves are used to treat pain. Infusions of the bark are used to treat rheumatism, pain, and inflammation Van Wyk and Gericke (2000); Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 4
Schinus molle L. Synonyms: Schinus angustifolia Sessé & Moc. and Schinus occidentalis Sessé & Moc. Peruvian pepper, pepper tree (E), peperboom (KS), and peperboom (A) Anacardiaceae Tree Leaves Leaves as a compress on painful legs, backache, headache, and knee. Warm compress of leaves is placed on cheek for toothache. Vapor of leaf decoction is inhaled for inflammation and rheumatism. Leaf decoction is used to gargle to cure toothache. Compress for headache, pain, and inflammation. Infusions for headache, pain, and inflammation Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); Van Wyk et al. (2008); Bhat and Jacobs (1995); Bhat (2014); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 5
Sclerocarya birrea (A.Rich.) Hochst. subsp. caffra (Sond.) Kokwaro. Synonyms: Sclerocarya birrea, Sclerocarya caffra, and Sclerocarya schweinfurthiana Cider tree, marula, maroola (E), maeroola, maroelaboom (A), Mufula (V), and umganu (Z) Anacardiaceae Tree Bark Bark decoctions are used for abdominal pain. The bark is used for headaches, toothache (rinsing oral cavity), and backache Hutchings et al. (1996); Mabogo (1990); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Arnold and Gulumian (1984) 4
Securidaca longepedunculata Fresen. Synonyms: Elsota longipedunculata (Fresen.) Kuntze, and Securidaca longipedunculata var. longipedunculata Violet tree (E), Langboslaagboom (A), and Mpesu (V) Polygalaceae Tree Bark, roots, and root-kernel Bark and roots are taken orally as infusions and decoctions for rheumatism. Root-kernel is used to treat headache. Root decoction is drunk thrice daily to relieve backache Van Wyk and Gericke (2000); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mongalo and Makhafola (2018); Arnold and Gulumian (1984) 4
Solanum aculeastrum Dunal. Synonym: Solanum aculeastrum var. aculeastrum Apple of Sodom, bitter apple, devil’s apple (E), Bitterappeltjie, Bokappel (A), Morola (NS), Murulwa, Shulwa (V), Intuma, Intuma, Intuma enkulu, Intumayezibaya, Uthuma, and Untumane (Z) Solanaceae Shrub Fruit and roots, ns Ash from burnt fruit is rubbed into scarifications over painful parts for the relief of rheumatism pains. Fruits are applied topically for toothache and are also placed in the wound after tooth extraction. Fruit decoctions are used as enemas for pain in the lower back and legs while ash is used for pains from walking. Analgesic (toothache, general pains, and backaches); musculoskeletal (inflammation). Roots are used to treat stomachache Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Hutchings et al. (1996); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Mongalo and Makhafola (2018); Philander (2011); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009); Mbanjwa (2020) 7
Solanum panduriforme E. Mey. Morolana (NS), Mututulwa (V), and Intuma encane (Z) Solanaceae Herb Roots and fruit, ns Analgesic (toothache); musculoskeletal (inflammation). Roots are used to treat stomachache. Fruits are burnt and powder is applied externally on incision made on the forehead to relieve headache Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Mongalo and Makhafola (2018); Arnold and Gulumian (1984) 3
Solanum tomentosum L. Slangappelbos (E), gifappel, Vuilsiekbossie, Doringappeltjie, !nuheis, bitterboelabos (A), and Tandpynbossie (KS) Solanaceae Shrub Fruit and leaves Fruit is used for toothache. Ground leaves are a treatment for backache and stomachache Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 3
Stangeria eriopus (Kunze) Baill. Synonyms: Stangeria katzeri Regel and Stangeria paradoxa T.Moore Natal Grass Cycad, Cycad (E), obbejaankos (A), Umfingwani, Umncuma (X), Imfingo, and Umafinga (Z) Zamiaceae Shrub Tubers and roots Burnt powdered underground tubers are used for headaches. Tubers are used for pains in the bones. Analgesic (sharp internal body pains). Roots used to treat headache Hutchings et al. (1996); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Coopoosamy and Naidoo (2012) 4
Strychnos henningsii Gilg. Synonyms: Strychnos albersii Gilg & Busse and Strychnos holstii Gilg Coffee bean Strychnos, Natal teak, coffee hard pear (E), harclepeer(hout), rooibitterbessie (A), umanana, umdunye, umnono, umqalothi, and umqaloti (Z) Loganiaceae Shrub Roots and bark Boiled roots are used for stomach complaints. Bark decoctions boiled with roots of Turraea floribunda Hochst are taken for the pains of rheumatic fever. Bark is used in the treatment of dysmenorrhoea. Analgesic (body pains) Hutchings et al. (1996); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962): Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011) 4
Sutherlandia frutescens (L.) R.Br. = Lessertia frutescens (L.) Goldblatt & J.C.Manning subsp. frutescens. Synonym: Colutea frutescens L. Turkey flower, balloon pea, cancer bush (E), Wildekeur (A), Kankerbossie (KS), Umnwele (X), Umnwele, and Unwele (Z) Fabaceae Herb Leaves, fruit, seeds, stem, flowers, and whole plant Different parts of the plant are used for treating backache and rheumatism. Leaf wash used for painful feet. Chewed in the mouth and placed on tooth to help with toothache. Infusion is used to treat backache and stomach ailments Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Nortje and Van Wyk (2015); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Thring and Weitz (2006); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009) 6
Syzygium cordatum Hochst.ex C.Krauss. Synonyms: Syzygium cymiferum (E.Mey.) C.Presl and Jambosa cymifera E.Mey. Water Wood, water berry (E), waterbessie (A), Mutu (V), umswi, umjomi (X), and Umdoni (Z) Myrtaceae Tree Bark, leaves, and roots The Bemba use cold leaf infusions for various stomach ailments. Vhavenda use leaves for fever while bark and roots are used for headache. For treating inflammation. Roots are burnt and the ash is applied on incisions on forehead to relieve headache. Used for relieving menstrual pain Hutchings et al. (1996); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mabogo (1990); Maroyi (2017); Arnold and Gulumian (1984); Mbanjwa (2020) 6
Trichilia dregeana Sond. Synonym: Trichilia strigulosa Welw. ex C.DC. Natal forest mahogany (E), Bosrooiessenhout (A), Mutshikili, Mutuhu, Muuhu (V), umathunzini, umkhuhla, Igxolo, and umkhuhlu (Z) Meliaceae Tree Bark Bark decoctions are administered as enemas for backache associated with kidney problems. Unspecified parts are used for stomach complaints and backache. Analgesic (backaches, lower backaches, and toothache) Hutchings et al. (1996); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019) 3
Tulbaghia violacea Harv. Synonyms: Omentaria alliacea (L.f.) Kuntze and Tulbaghia brachystemma Kunth Wild garlic (E), wildeknofflok, wildeknoffel, bergknoffe (A), and isihaqa (Z) Amaryllidaceae Herb Tubers/bulbs, roots, and leaves Pounded tuber decoctions are administered as enemas for stomach ailments. Leaves are rubbed on the head for sinus headache. Administered in enemas for rheumatism. Clove pieces are placed in castor oil to make eardrops. Used for stomach ailments Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Hutchings et al. (1996); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Thring and Weitz (2006); Mintsa Mi Nzue (2009) 5
Turbina oblongata A. Meeuse. Synonyms: Ipomoea lambtoniana and Ipomoea oblongata E. Mey. ex Choisy Honeysuckle tree (E) and ubhoqo (Z) Convolvulaceae Herb Leaves and roots Leaves are used as poultices for swollen joints, sores, and abscesses. Medicine taken internally for rheumatism and gout. Ground root decoctions are taken three times a day for arthritis and gout. Enemas made from roots are given for pain of the spine Hutchings et al. (1996); Pujol (1990); Polori et al. (2018) 3
Vachellia karroo (Hayne) Banfi & Galasso. Synonyms: Acacia karroo and Acacia inconflagrabilis Gerstner Sweet thorn (E), soetdoring, doringboom (A), mooka (TW), Muunga (V), Ingamazi, Ingamazi elincane, Umunga, Umantungane, and Usidlodlo (Z) Fabaceae Tree Bark, thorns, leaves, and roots, ns Analgesic (sharp internal body pains). Bark is used to treat aching legs. Used for stomachache. Thorn decoction is drunk to relieve heart pains. Gum is eaten for stomach ailments and toothache. Bark infusion used to treat stomachache, pain, and inflammation. Root infusion is used to treat swollen and burning feet Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); De Beer and Van Wyk (2011); Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Arnold and Gulumian (1984); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 5
Vangueria infausta Burch. Synonyms: Canthium infaustum (Burch.) Baill. and Vangueria tomentosa Hochst. wild medlar (E); wilde mispel (A), Mabilo (SL), Amaviyo, and Umtulwa (Z) Rubiaceae Tree Bark and roots, ns Analgesic (internal side pains and chest side pains in infants). Bark and roots are medicine for alleviating toothache. Used as steam bath for treating painful body Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Shai et al. (2020); Mbanjwa (2020) 3
Volkameria glabra (E.Mey.) Mabb. & Y.W.Yuan. Synonyms: Clerodendrum glabrum E.Mey, Siphonanthus glaber (E.Mey.) Hiern, and Premna suaveolens Chiov. Tinderwood, verbena tree, white eat’s whiskers (E), tontelhout, bitterblaar, bontelhout, harpuisblaar, huilboom (A), munukha-tshilongwe (V), umqangazane, umqaqongu, and umqoqongo (Z) Lamiaceae Shrub Leaves and roots, ns Hot water infusions from roots mixed with those of Tetradenia riparia are taken as emetics for dropsy and rheumatic conditions. Leaves are used for toothache. Analgesic (toothache) Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Hutchings et al. (1996); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019) 3
Warburgia salutaris (G.Bertol.) Chiov. Synonyms: Chibaca salutaris and Warburgia breyeri R.Pott Fever tree, pepper-bark tree (E), koorsboom, peperbasboom (A), mulanga (V), amazwecehlabayo, isibaha, and isibhaha (Z) Canellaceae Tree Bark, leaves, and roots Bark is used in emetics or purgatives for febrile complaints and for rheumatism. Lotions made from pounded leaves with stalks of Hibiscus surattensis are applied to the penis for inflammation of the urethra, sores, and other irritations. Powdered roots are applied to oral cavity to relieve toothache. Decoction of the bark is taken for backache Hutchings et al. (1996); Corrigan et al. (2011); Arnold and Gulumian (1984) 3
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal. Synonyms: Physalis somnifera and Withania microphysalis Wilde-appelliefie (A), Winter Cherry, Poisonous Gooseberry (E), Ubuvuma (X), Impathampatha, Ubuvimba Umaqhunsula, and Ubuvumba (Z) Solanaceae Shrub Leaves and roots Leaf poultices are applied externally to treat rheumatism. Musculoskeletal (inflammation). For treating inflammation. Leaf infusions are used to treat stomach ailments Hutchings et al. (1996); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Maroyi (2017); Van Wyk et al. (2008); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019) 5
Ximenia caffra Sond. Plum, large sourplum (E), Kleinsuurpruim (A), Mutanwadombo, Mutshili (V), and Umthunduluka-obomvu (Z) Olacaceae Tree Leaves and roots Cold leaf infusions are applied to inflamed eyes. Root decoction is used to prepare soft porridge for headache due to indigestion Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk (1962); Mabogo (1990); Arnold and Gulumian (1984) 3
Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng. Synonyms: Arodes aethiopicum (L.) Kuntze and Colocasia aethiopica (L.) Link White or common arum lily (E); wit varkoor (A), Ingquthuyengane, and Intebe (Z) Araceae Herb Leaves, ns Musculoskeletal inflammation. Compress leaves are used for treating backache, rheumatism, headache, pain, and inflammation. Treatment for arthritis Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Hulley and Van Wyk (2019); Philander (2011) 3
Zanthoxylum capense (Thunb.) Harv. Synonyms: Fagara magaliesmontana Engl. and Zanthoxylum thunbergii var. obtusifolia Harv. Adelaide spice tree, cardamom (E), kleinperdepram (A), Umabelejongosi, isinungwane, and umlungumabele (Z) Rutaceae Tree Leaves, bark (root-bark), and roots Leaves are used to heal sores. Dried ground root-bark is directly applied for toothache. Analgesic (general body pains). An infusion of the root is taken to treat toothache. For treating swollen feet and toothache Bryant (1966); Hutchings et al. (1996); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Corrigan et al. (2011); Philander (2011); Mbanjwa (2020) 6
Zanthoxylum davyi Waterm. Synonyms: Zanthoxylum thunbergii var. grandifolia Harv. and Fagara davyi I.Verd Fever Tree, Forest Knobwood (E), Knopdoring, Knopdoringhout (A), Monokwane (NS), Munungu, Murandela (V), Umlungumabele (X), and Umnungumabele (Z) Rutaceae Tree Roots and leaves For tooth removal. Root decoction is drunk thrice daily for 3 days to relieve chest pains. Powdered leaves are rubbed on chest to relieve pains Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Mabogo (1990); Mbanjwa (2020) 3
Ziziphus mucronata Willd. Synonyms: Ziziphus madecassus H. Perrier and Ziziphus mucronata subsp. mucronata Blinkblaarboom (A) Buffalo thorn, Cat-thorn (E), Umphafa (X), Mutshetshete, Mukhalu (V), isilahla, umhlahlankosi, and umphafa (Z) Rhamnaceae Tree Bark, roots, and leaves Bark decoctions are used for rheumatism. Roots are used for toothache. Leaves and roots are used for pain by the Vhavenda. Analgesic (sharp internal body pains). For treating chest pain. Root decoction is used to prepare soft porridge to relieve general body pains Mabogo (1990); Mhlongo and Van Wyk (2019); Maroyi (2017); Arnold and Gulumian (1984) 4