Testis phenotype of Tardbp cKO mice. Testis cross sections of heterozygous controls (A and C) and homozygous cKO mice (B and D) PND35 mice showing that loss of TDP-43 leads to atrophy of seminiferous tubules, germ cell loss, and vacuole formation (B). Immunohistochemistry shows TDP-43 expression in germ cells (red arrowheads) and Sertoli cells (white arrowheads) of control mice (panel C) and lack of TDP-43 in germ cells (red arrowheads of panel D) of cKO testis but not in Sertoli cells (white arrowheads), thus confirming germ cell–specific KO of TDP-43. Inset shows the size of the testis of control (+/−) versus cKO (−/−) mice. cKO, conditional KO; PND35, postnatal day 35; TDP-43, transactive response DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa.