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. 2021 Oct 22;12:731262. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.731262


The RCCD matrix of the independent factors, showing the experimental data of amino acids production, and the corresponding predicted values obtained from RCCD and ANN models.

Run KH2PO4 (mg/g CFP) NH4Cl (mg/g CFP) Incubation time (day) Amino acids (μg/g CFK)

Observed RCCD
Coded (X1) Actual Coded (X2) Actual Coded (X3) Actual Predicted Residual Predicted Residual
1* −1 0.400 −1 1.00 −1 7.00 1,102.30.9 1,127.2 –24.9 1,080.3 22.0
2 1 0.700 −1 1.00 −1 7.00 1,069.42.2 1,035.9 33.5 1,069.0 0.4
3 −1 0.400 1 2.00 −1 7.00 974.91.4 947.2 27.7 980.2 –5.3
4* 1 0.700 1 2.00 −1 7.00 637.62.3 658.0 –20.4 647.9 –10.3
5* −1 0.400 −1 1.00 1 14.00 1,111.11.9 1,136.2 –25.1 1,149.1 –38.0
6* 1 0.700 −1 1.00 1 14.00 1,098.41.6 1,137.7 –39.3 1,091.6 6.8
7* −1 0.400 1 2.00 1 14.00 1,189.35.1 1,225.5 –36.2 1,189.4 –0.1
8 1 0.700 1 2.00 1 14.00 1,059.94.6 1,029.3 30.6 1,055.6 4.3
9* −1.682 0.298 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,040.41.6 1,025.1 15.3 1,039.9 0.5
10* 1.682 0.802 0 1.50 0 10.50 791.02.5 783.3 7.7 762.1 28.9
11 0 0.550 −1.682 0.66 0 10.50 1,285.12.9 1,280.7 4.4 1,298.1 –13.0
12 0 0.550 1.682 2.34 0 10.50 1,019.41.2 1,038.1 –18.7 1,030.5 –11.1
13* 0 0.550 0 1.50 −1.682 4.61 961.61.5 989.0 –27.4 994.0 –32.4
14* 0 0.550 0 1.50 1.682 16.39 1,312.13.0 1,308.7 3.4 1,337.8 –25.7
15* 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,601.52.1 1,626.0 –24.5 1,626.0 –24.5
16 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,541.73.1 1,626.0 –84.3 1,626.0 –84.3
17* 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,649.45.1 1,626.0 23.4 1,626.0 23.4
18 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,709.93.6 1,626.0 83.9 1,626.0 83.9
19 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,602.33.1 1,626.0 –23.7 1,626.0 –23.7
20* 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,651.53.3 1,626.0 25.5 1,626.0 25.5
21 −1 0.400 −1 1.00 −1 7.00 1,081.82.9 1,127.2 –45.4 1,080.3 1.5
22 1 0.700 −1 1.00 −1 7.00 1,063.42.8 1,035.9 27.5 1,069.0 –5.6
23 −1 0.400 1 2.00 −1 7.00 983.11.3 947.2 35.9 980.2 2.9
24 1 0.700 1 2.00 −1 7.00 647.53.1 658.0 –10.5 647.9 –0.4
25* −1 0.400 −1 1.00 1 14.00 1,181.81.6 1,136.2 45.6 1,149.1 32.7
26* 1 0.700 −1 1.00 1 14.00 1,103.11.5 1,137.7 –34.6 1,091.6 11.5
27 −1 0.400 1 2.00 1 14.00 1,190.24.4 1,225.5 –35.3 1,189.4 0.8
28 1 0.700 1 2.00 1 14.00 1,058.73.8 1,029.3 29.4 1,055.6 3.1
29* −1.682 0.298 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,039.12.0 1,025.1 14.0 1,039.9 –0.8
30 1.682 0.802 0 1.50 0 10.50 761.02.6 783.3 –22.3 762.1 –1.1
31 0 0.550 −1.682 0.66 0 10.50 1,308.51.8 1,280.7 27.8 1,298.1 10.4
32 0 0.550 1.682 2.34 0 10.50 1,039.21.1 1,038.1 1.1 1,030.5 8.7
33 0 0.550 0 1.50 −1.682 4.61 997.61.2 989.0 8.6 994.0 3.6
34 0 0.550 0 1.50 1.682 16.39 1,338.92.4 1,308.7 30.2 1,337.8 1.1
35 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,711.61.6 1,626.0 85.6 1,626.0 85.6
36* 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,563.23.7 1,626.0 –62.8 1,626.0 –62.8
37 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,549.45.2 1,626.0 –76.6 1,626.0 –76.6
38 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,640.63.2 1,626.0 14.6 1,626.0 14.6
39* 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,699.34.1 1,626.0 73.3 1,626.0 73.3
40* 0 0.550 0 1.50 0 10.50 1,588.74.5 1,626.0 –37.3 1,626.0 –37.3

*Runs that were selected randomly to serve for validating the model of ANN; the other 22 runs served for model training.