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. 2021 Nov 4;22:218. doi: 10.1186/s12875-021-01567-w

Table 2.

Demographics and clinical characteristics according to having had contact with a general practitioner during follow-up

Contact with GP during follow-up
Yes: n = 200 (42%) No: n = 275 (58%) p-value
 Age at time of questionnairea, M (SD) 71.2 (7.6) 71.3 (7.4) 0.78
 Education levela 0.76
  Low 66 (34.0) 99 (36.7)
  Intermediate 76 (39.2) 97 (35.9)
  High 52 (26.8) 74 (27.4)
 Marital Statusa 0.07
  Partner 179 (90.9) 233 (85.3)
  No partner 18 (9.1) 40 (14.7)
 Number of comorbiditiesa 0.84
  No comorbidities 57 (29.1) 83 (30.4)
  1 comorbidity 73 (37.2) 105 (38.5)
   ≥ 2 comorbidities 66 (33.7) 85 (31.1)
 Preferring more contact with GP during follow-upa 27 (35.5) 49 (64.5) 0.20
Clinical characteristics
 Primary treatmenta < 0.001
  Surgery 80 (40.0) 73 (26.5)
  Radiotherapy 25 (12.5) 41 (14.9)
  Hormonal therapy 29 (14.5) 21 (7.6)
  Radiotherapy and hormonal therapy 31 (15.5) 48 (17.5)
  Active surveillance 27 (13.5) 63 (22.9)
  Watchful waiting 4 (2.0) 5 (1.8)
  Other/unknown 4 (2.0) 24 (8.7)
 Time since diagnosis in yearsa, M (range) 4.4 (1.8–7.8) 4.3 (1.8–8.1) 0.39
 Tumor stagea 0.003
  I 31 (16.2) 79 (31.2)
  II 91 (47.6) 105 (41.5)
  III 44 (23.0) 47 (18.6)
  IV 25 (13.1) 22 (8.7)

Notes: Percentages for a given variable do not sum up to 100% if the variable contained missing data

aMissing data: Age at time of questionnaire = 0; educational level = 11; marital status = 5; number of comorbidities = 6; preferring more contact with the GP during follow-up = 12; primary treatment = 0; time since diagnosis = 0; tumor stage = 31

Abbreviations: GP General Practitioner, M mean, SD standard deviation