(a) Schema of the CHLA-255 metastatic xenograft NB model in NSG mice. Eight week old female NSG mice were inoculated with 2 x 106 FFLuc-labelled CHLA-255 cells via tail vein injection, and 14 days later mice were treated with 2 x 106 CD19.28ζ, B7-H3.28ζ or B7-H3.28ζ/GD2.BB CAR-T cells via tail vein injection. (b, c) Representative tumor bioluminescence (BLI) images (b) and tumor BLI kinetics (c) of FFLuc-CHLA-255 tumor growth in the metastatic xenograft NB model shown in (a) (n = 3 mice for the CD19.28ζ group, n = 5 mice for the other two groups). (d) Kaplan-Meier survival curve of mice in (b, c) (n = 3 for the CD19.28ζ group, n = 5 for the other two groups); **p = 0.0016 (B7-H3.28ζ vs. B7-H3.28ζ/GD2.BB) by Log-rank test. (e) Detection of circulating CAR-T cells (CD45+CD3+) in mice 14 days after CAR-T cell treatment by flow cytometry. Data are shown as individual values and the mean ± SD, (n = 3 samples from 3 mice for the CD19.28ζ group, n = 5 samples from 5 mice for the other two groups); *p = 0.0144, **p = 0.0042 by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test adjusted p value.