Figure 4.
Molecular characterization of conditional D1R- and D2R-γ7 KO mice. Representative immunoblot data and quantification of γ7, Gαolf Gαs, γ2, γ3 and AC5 protein levels in striatal membranes of male and female Gng7fl/flD1Cre+ (A,B) and Gng7fl/flD2Cre+ mice (C,D). Each column represents a normalized ratio (fold-change) relative to total protein loading and to controls (Gng7fl/fl). Western blot analysis confirmed that loss of γ7 caused a reduction of striatal Gαolf protein levels in both conditional KO mouse lines. AC5 protein was substantially preserved, although a significant reduction of AC5 protein levels was observed in Gng7fl/flD1Cre+ female mice (B). Loss of γ7 did not cause compensatory changes of striatal Gαs, γ3, and γ2 protein levels in both conditional KO mouse lines. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, Gng7fl/flD1Cre+ or Gng7fl/flD2Cre+ compared with Gng7fl/fl WT littermates (Student's t test). Data are mean ± SEM. n = 5 mice/group.