(A-F) FPKM values of Procr (A) and known aspartate transporters (B-F) in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. (G) Western blots with antibodies against GLAST and Histone H3 using Vav1-cre; Rosa26LSL-Glast and wild-type bone marrow cells. Glast-OE refers to Vav1-cre; Rosa26LSL-Glast mice throughout the figure. (H and I) Vav1-cre; Rosa26LSL-Glast and control mice did not differ in size or appearance. (J) White blood cell, red blood cell, and platelet counts in the blood of Vav1-cre; Rosa26LSL-Glast and control mice. (K) Cellularity of the bone marrow from one femur and one tibia, the spleen, and the thymus. (L) Uptake of labelled aspartate by HSCs cultured from Vav1-cre; Rosa26LSL-Glast or control bone marrow. (M and N) Aspartate (M) and glutamate (N) levels in HSCs/MPPs, HPCs, LK cells, and CD45+ cells from Vav1-cre; Rosa26LSL-Glast or control bone marrow. (O-Q) Numbers of HSCs (O), restricted progenitors (P), and differentiated hematopoietic cells (Q) in the bone marrow from one femur and one tibia. (R and S) Numbers and sizes of colonies formed by 10,000 bone marrow cells (G: granulocyte, M: macrophage, E: erythrocyte). (T and U) Donor-derived CD45+, myeloid, B, and T cells in the blood (T) as well as HSCs and restricted hematopoietic progenitors in the bone marrow (U) of mice competitively transplanted with Vav1-cre; Rosa26LSL-Glast or control donor bone marrow cells (n=30 recipient mice total from 6 independent experiments with 6 donors per genotype). All data represent mean ± standard deviation (* P< 0.05; ** P<0.01; *** P<0.001). The number of mice analyzed per genotype is shown in each panel. See also Figure S1 and Table S1.