Fig. 4.
Progression-free survival and overall survival in the overall study population or according to GX301 regimens. a Progression-free survival in the overall study population. Number of censored cases before the end of observation: 16; number of progressions by day 540: 82; time to progression: 163 days (IQR: 95–183); estimated Progression-free survival: 77.3% at day 90, 29.5% at day 180, 10.7% at day 270. b Progression-free survival according to GX301 regimens. Median times to progression (IQR) for regimen 1, regimen 2 and regimen 3 were, respectively, 150 days (102–179), 176 days (105–187) and 128 days (88–181). c Overall survival in the overall study population. Number of censored cases before the end of observation: 49; number of deaths by day 720: 49; median time to death (IQR): 698 (452-not reached); estimated survival: 99% at day 180, 84% at day 360, 62% at day 540, 48% at day 720. d Overall survival according to GX301 regimens. Numbers of deaths by day 720 were for regimen 1, regimen 2 and regimen 3 were 16, 14 and 19, respectively; median times to death (IQR) for regimen 1, regimen 2 and regimen 3 were, respectively, 698 (367-not reached), not determined (503-not reached), 654 (474-not reached)