Fig. 1. Cubic spline regression for the association between serum retinol and overall and cause-specific death in the ATBC Study.
The reference value (483 µg/L; hazard ratio = 1) corresponds to the cutoff value of the first quintile category of serum retinol concentration. A Overall mortality. B Cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality. C Heart disease mortality. D Respiratory disease mortality. The solid line represents the hazard ratio (HR) for mortality and serum retinol with a 4-knot spline (knots were selected at the 5th, 25th, 75th, and 95th percentiles of the serum retinol); dashed lines suggested the 95% confidence intervals. The total number of participants: 29,104. Event number of overall-, CVD-, heart disease-, respiratory disease death is 23,797, 9,869, 8,064, and 2,161, respectively. Multivariate-adjusted models adjusted for age, BMI, serum total and serum HDL cholesterol, cigarettes smoked per day, years of smoking, alcohol intake, intervention assignment, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, history of CVD, and history of diabetes. ATBC Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention; BMI body mass index; CVD cardiovascular disease; HDL high-density lipoprotein.