Table 5.
Summary of key recommendations to improve NPI adherence.
Key topic | Suggestion |
Targeted communication strategies | Communication strategies targeted towards demographics most likely to be non-adopters of NPIs may be most effective, including males, those aged 18–34, individuals with lower education levels and those with a higher conservative political leaning |
Increasing individuals concern for COVID-19 infection | Individuals who have little concern regarding COVID-19 infection and disease are less likely to adopt NPIs, therefore messaging that increases concern may be effective |
Clarity and consistency of messaging is a requirement to promote adoption | Studies have identified that if messaging is not clear or consistent, individuals have less confidence in that messaging source and are less likely to adhere to the message52,57,62,63 |
Messaging to highlight the effectiveness of NPIs | Individuals in the non-adopter cluster believed that NPIs were not effective in preventing COVID-19 transmission, therefore communication that highlights the efficacy of NPIs may be helpful in promoting their uptake |
Improving trust in institutions | Institutions, particularly government and healthcare, need to increase the trust individuals have in them, in order to improve adherence to the messaging they are providing |