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. 2021 Aug 24;10(2):941–953. doi: 10.1007/s40120-021-00272-1

Table 1.

Sample summary statistics among amyloid-restricted patients for both the incident and prevalent populations

Variable Incident Prevalent
Female, % (N) 51.4% (3610) 51.0% (5923)
 Mean (SD) 78.69 (10.43) 77.72 (10.48)
 Median (IQR) 80.00 (14.00) 79.00 (14.00)
Years of education
 Mean (SD) 14.84 (3.58) 14.73 (3.73)
 Median (IQR) 16.00 (6.00) 16.00 (6.00)
Concomitant symptomatic AD medication use, % (N) 64.4% (4528) 64.5% (7487)
ApoE ε4 genotype, % (N)
 ε3, ε3 32.5% (2285) 32.4% (3761)
 ε3, ε4 35.6% (2505) 36.2% (4206)
 ε3, ε2 4.6% (326) 4.0% (462)
 ε4, ε4 11.5% (806) 11.0% (1282)
 ε4, ε2 2.4% (170) 2.3% (266)
 ε2, ε2 0.3% (20) 0.2% (27)
 Missing 13.0% (915) 13.9% (1611)
CDR health state, % (N)
 Asymptomatic 0.7% (50) 2.9% (333)
 MCI-AD 3.1% (219) 9.3% (1077)
 Mild AD dementia 6.3% (441) 11.9% (1387)
 Moderate AD dementia 23.5% (1648) 21.5% (2495)
 Severe AD dementia 34.1% (2394) 30.6% (3553)
 Died 32.4% (2275) 23.8% (2770)
Diabetes 13.7% (752) 13.6% (1288)
CVD risk factors 78.4% (4297) 76.6% (7257)
Count of CVD components
 0 64.7% (3547) 66.6% (6317)
 1 19.4% (1064) 18.7% (1774)
 2 9.2% (506) 8.8% (832)
 3 4.3% (235) 3.9% (372)
 4 1.5% (84) 1.3% (125)
 5 0.6% (31) 0.5% (43)
 6 0.3% (14) 0.2% (15)
Stroke/TIA 18% (972) 16% (1560)
Sample size (observations) 7027 11615

AD Alzheimer’s disease, ApoE apolipoprotein E, CDR Clinical Dementia Rating, CVD cardiovascular disease, IQR interquartile range, MCI-AD mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease, TIA transient ischemic attack

Sample reflects observations used in transition probability models