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. 2021 Oct 22;23(10):e28689. doi: 10.2196/28689

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics and social media usage of sample: January–June 2018.

Demographic characteristics Total sample (N=832) Part 2: Labeled advertisement condition (n=381) Part 2: Unlabeled advertisement condition (n=451)
Age, years, mean, (SD) 14.73 (1.67) 14.75 (1.64) 14.71 (1.69)
Gender, n (%)

Male 426 (51.2) 197 (51.7) 229 (50.8)

Female 406 (48.8) 184 (48.3) 222 (49.2)
Race, n (%)

Non-Latino White 445 (53.5) 211 (55.4) 234 (51.9)

Black/African American 387 (46.5) 170 (44.6) 217 (48.1)
When do you use social media?, n (%)

Right when you wake up 305 (36.7) 131 (34.4) 174 (38.6)

Before school 407 (48.9) 173 (45.4) 234 (51.9)

On the way to school 309 (37.1) 143 (37.5) 166 (36.8)

At school 258 (31.0) 115 (30.2) 143 (31.7)

During lunch 381 (45.8) 173 (45.4) 208 (46.1)

On the way home from school 323 (38.8) 151 (39.6) 172 (38.1)

After school 381 (45.8) 257 (67.5) 307 (68.1)

While doing homework 264 (31.7) 119 (31.2) 145 (32.2)

After doing homework 390 (46.9) 180 (47.2) 210 (46.6)

During dinner 158 (19.0) 74 (19.4) 84 (18.6)

Before bed 497 (59.7) 232 (60.9) 265 (58.8)

Right before going to sleep 234 (28.1) 102 (26.8) 132 (29.3)
Social media account history, n (%)

Do you have...[check all that apply]

Instagram? 582 (70.0) 279 (73.2) 303 (67.2)

Facebook? 710 (85.3) 321 (84.3) 389 (86.3)

Snapchat? 410 (49.3) 189 (49.6) 221 (49.0)

Tumblr? 71 (8.5) 40 (10.5) 31 (6.9)

Twitter? 394 (47.4) 194 (50.9) 200 (44.3)
Average number of social accounts per participant based on responses to question above, mean (SD) 2.60 (1.20) 2.69 (1.15) 2.54 (1.20)
Have you made a purchase through social media before?, n (%) 167 (20.1) 83 (21.8) 84 (18.6)