Table 1.
Demographic characteristics and social media usage of sample: January–June 2018.
Demographic characteristics | Total sample (N=832) | Part 2: Labeled advertisement condition (n=381) | Part 2: Unlabeled advertisement condition (n=451) | |
Age, years, mean, (SD) | 14.73 (1.67) | 14.75 (1.64) | 14.71 (1.69) | |
Gender, n (%) |
Male | 426 (51.2) | 197 (51.7) | 229 (50.8) |
Female | 406 (48.8) | 184 (48.3) | 222 (49.2) |
Race, n (%) |
Non-Latino White | 445 (53.5) | 211 (55.4) | 234 (51.9) |
Black/African American | 387 (46.5) | 170 (44.6) | 217 (48.1) |
When do you use social media?, n (%) |
Right when you wake up | 305 (36.7) | 131 (34.4) | 174 (38.6) |
Before school | 407 (48.9) | 173 (45.4) | 234 (51.9) |
On the way to school | 309 (37.1) | 143 (37.5) | 166 (36.8) |
At school | 258 (31.0) | 115 (30.2) | 143 (31.7) |
During lunch | 381 (45.8) | 173 (45.4) | 208 (46.1) |
On the way home from school | 323 (38.8) | 151 (39.6) | 172 (38.1) |
After school | 381 (45.8) | 257 (67.5) | 307 (68.1) |
While doing homework | 264 (31.7) | 119 (31.2) | 145 (32.2) |
After doing homework | 390 (46.9) | 180 (47.2) | 210 (46.6) |
During dinner | 158 (19.0) | 74 (19.4) | 84 (18.6) |
Before bed | 497 (59.7) | 232 (60.9) | 265 (58.8) |
Right before going to sleep | 234 (28.1) | 102 (26.8) | 132 (29.3) |
Social media account history, n (%) |
Do you have...[check all that apply] |
Instagram? | 582 (70.0) | 279 (73.2) | 303 (67.2) |
Facebook? | 710 (85.3) | 321 (84.3) | 389 (86.3) |
Snapchat? | 410 (49.3) | 189 (49.6) | 221 (49.0) |
Tumblr? | 71 (8.5) | 40 (10.5) | 31 (6.9) |
Twitter? | 394 (47.4) | 194 (50.9) | 200 (44.3) |
Average number of social accounts per participant based on responses to question above, mean (SD) | 2.60 (1.20) | 2.69 (1.15) | 2.54 (1.20) | |
Have you made a purchase through social media before?, n (%) | 167 (20.1) | 83 (21.8) | 84 (18.6) |