Fig. 6.
A genomic-clinicopathologic nomogram for prognostic prediction in CRC. (A) The nomogram included four variables (age, gender, disease stage, and risk score). Each variable in the nomogram was assigned a weighted score based on the multivariate Cox regression coefficient. To use this nomogram, the specific value of an individual variable is located on each axis, and a line is drawn upward to the Points axis to obtain the score of this variable. In the same way, the scores of four variables are summed to give the total score. The total score is located on the Total Points axis, and a line is drawn downwards to the survival axes to determine the 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival probability. (B) Prognostic value of the nomogram for predicting 1-, 3-, and 5-year overall survival rate in the training set. (C) Prognostic value of the nomogram for predicting 1-, 3-, and 5-year OS rates in the validation set. (D-F) Calibration plots suggest that the nomogram’s predictions of 1-year (D), 3-year survival (E), and 5-year survival (F) match well with the actual observed probabilities in the training set. The actual survival rate and nomogram-predicted probabilities were plotted on the vertical and horizontal axes, respectively. Dashed line at 45° represents perfect prediction and the actual performances of our nomogram are red line. The more the blue lines and dashed lines in the graph coincide, the better the predictive performance of the nomogram. The calibration curve of the nomogram is mainly assessed by observing the degree of consistency between the predicted curve and the ideal curve in the graph. (G-I) The calibration plots showed that the actual observed probabilities were in agreement with the predictive values from the nomogram for 1-year (G), 3-year (H), and 5-year survival (I) in the validation set