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. 2021 Nov 6;38(1):97–119. doi: 10.1007/s00146-021-01290-1

Table 1.

Explanation of the data treatment procedure

Variables Variable type Description Remarks/survey questions
Outcome variable
Attitude Continuous The attitude toward the application of EAI in the workplace (“1” strongly disagree/very worried, “5” strongly agree/not worried)

The Attitude variable is first calculated by averaging the answers of three Likert-scale questions,

(1) Do you agree that a company manager should use AI/smart algorithms to measure employees’ performances?

(2) Do you agree that a company manager should use AI/smart algorithms to screen job applicants?

(3) Are you worried about protecting your autonomy at work due to the wider application of AI/smart algorithms?

Familiarity Continuous Taking the average of the four questions on the right side (“1” being Not familiar; “5” being Very familiar”)

The variable attitude is calculated by averaging the answers of four Likert-scale questions:

(1) How familiar are you with coding/programming?

(2) How familiar are you with the topic of EAI?

(3) How familiar are you with the concept of smart cities?

(4) How familiar are you with the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Predictive variable
SchoolYear Ordinal/continuous 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year
Sex Binary Male (“1”) vs. Female (“0”) Respondents choose their biological sex
Income Ordinal/continuous low (“1”), middle (“2”), and high (“3”) Self-perceived level of household income
Major Binary Social studies (“0”) vs. Business (“1”) Students are asked to specify their majors
Religions Binary

Christianity:“1”if identified

Islam: “1” if identified

Buddhism:“1” if identified

Atheism: “1” if identified

Respondents are asked to specify their official religion and the lack thereof. There are very few Jewish and Shintoist respondents; thus they are not included in our analyses
Religiosity Binary “1” for the very religious, “0” for the non-religious or mildly religious Respondents are asked to choose their level of religiosity