H1: Income is positively correlated with attitude toward automated management |
Accept |
Ali (2012), Urueña et al. (2018) and McClure (2017) |
RQ3 |
H2: Being male is positively correlated with attitude toward automated management, while the opposite is true for female |
Accept |
Brewer et al. (2020), McClure (2017), Cai et al. (2017) and Huffman et al. (2013) |
RQ3 |
H3: Business major is positively correlated with attitude toward automated management, while the opposite is true for Social Studies major |
Accept |
Clayton and Clopton (2019), Prentice et al. (2020), Gherheș and Obrad (2018), Chen and Lee (2019) |
RQ3 |
H4: Number of years in higher education is positively correlated with attitude toward automated management |
Accept |
Thurman et al. (2019), Damerji and Salimi (2021) and Araujo et al. 2020) |
RQ3 |
H5: Self-rated familiarity with AI is negatively correlated with attitude toward automated management |
Reject |
Brougham and Haar (2017) and; Bin Dahmash et al. 2020) |
RQ5 |
H6: Religiosity is negatively correlated with attitude toward automated management |
Accept |
Brewer et al. (2020), Northeastern University and Gallup (2018) and West (2018) |
RQ3 |
H7: There are regional differences in the attitude toward automated management |
Accept |
Alsaleh et al. (2019), Muñoz-Leiva et al. (2018) and Henrich (2020) |
RQ3 |
H8: Income is positively correlated with self-rated familiarity with AI |
Reject |
Ali (2012), Urueña et al. (2018) and McClure (2017) |
RQ4 |
H9: Being male is positively correlated with self-rated familiarity with AI, while the opposite is true for female |
Accept |
Ali (2012), Urueña et al. (2018) and McClure (2017) |
RQ4 |
H10: Business major is positively correlated with self-rated familiarity with AI, while the opposite is true for Social Studies major |
Accept |
Clayton and Clopton (2019) |
RQ4 |
H11: Number of years in higher education is positively correlated with self-rated familiarity with AI |
Reject |
Thurman et al. (2019), Damerji and Salimi (2021) and Araujo et al. (2020) |
RQ4 |
H12: Religiosity does not affect self-rated familiarity with AI |
Accept |
Very little evidence in the literature |
RQ4 |
H13: Regions do not affect self-rated familiarity with AI |
Accept |
Very little evidence in the literature |
RQ4 |