Figure 6.
Apoptosis and survival of GFP-MSCs at implantation site.
Notes: TUNEL analysis shows that apoptotic cells peaked at 1 week, and then decreased over time in animals grafted with labeled GFP-MSCs (A), unlabeled GFP-MSCs (B), and PBS (C). Graph show the percentages of TUNEL-positive cells in animals grafted with labeled and unlabeled GFP-MSCs (D). Graph shows the number of apoptotic GFP-MSCs in animals grafted with labeled and unlabeled GFP-MSCs (E). Graph shows the percentage of viable GFP-positive cells in animals grafted with labeled and unlabeled GFP-MSCs (F). *p<0.05 between labeled GFP-MSCs and PBS; #p<0.05 between unlabeled GFP-MSCs and PBS; Bar =15 μm.
Abbreviations: MSC, mesenchymal stem cell; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline.