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. 2021 Sep 14;8(4):1493–1517. doi: 10.1007/s40744-021-00365-1

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Frequency of disease domains in patients with PsA. ASAS Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society, CBP chronic back pain, CD Crohn’s disease, CVD cardiovascular disease, IBP inflammatory back pain, LDI Leeds Dactylitis Index, LEI Leeds Enthesitis Index, PA peripheral arthritis, PASI Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, PsA psoriatic arthritis, SPARCC Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada, SJC swollen joint count, TJC tender joint count, UC ulcerative colitis, VAS visual analog scale. aDisease domains were defined as follows: (1) enthesitis: patients with LEI > 0; (2) dactylitis: determined by LDI > 0; (3) PA: disease subtype was determined at diagnosis by rheumatologist and defined by primary presentation as monoarthritis (1 joint), oligoarthritis (2–4 joints), and polyarthritis (≥ 5 joints); (4) axial involvement: patients were classified as having CBP if they reported chronic complaints of back pain for a duration of longer than 3 months at present or in the past 12 months and with onset < 45 years of age. Of these patients, fulfillment of the ASAS classification criteria for IBP was determined; (5) psoriasis: patients with PASI > 1 [142]. bDisease domains were defined as follows: (1) enthesitis: patients with SPARCC > 1; (2) dactylitis: patients with peripheral dactylitis > 1; (3) PA: patients with TJC and/or SJC > 0; (4) nail psoriasis: patients with global nail psoriasis severity VAS > 0; (5) axial disease: patients with physician-reported presence of spinal involvement at time of registry enrollment, based on clinical judgment of features thought to be representative of active inflammatory spondylitis and/or radiographs or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showing sacroiliitis such as sacroiliitis grade > 2 bilaterally or grades 3–4 unilaterally by x-ray, active (acute) inflammation on MRI highly suggestive of sacroiliitis associated with SpA, definite radiographic sacroiliitis according to modified New York criteria, and other evidence of sacroiliitis on imaging; and (6) skin disease: patients with > 0% body surface area affected by psoriasis