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. 2021 Mar 10;37(4):1079–1098. doi: 10.1007/s10899-021-10015-4

Table 5.

Final predictive model of problem gambling among esports bettors (N = 438)

Type Parameter B SE z OR 95%CI[LL, UL]
Thresholds 1|2 1.15 0.36 3.15
2|3 2.46 0.40 6.10
3|4 3.82 0.48 8.00
Location Escaping coping 0.36 0.09 4.16*** 3.15 [1.22. 1.71]
Engaged coping  − 0.23 0.08  − 2.75** 11.72 [0.67. 0.93]
Coping motive 0.99 0.14 6.87*** 45.49 [2.05. 3.63]
Financial motive 0.30 0.11 2.71** 1.43 [1.09. 1.69]
ESB time: linear 0.22 0.21 1.03 0.79 [0.81. 1.91]
ESB time: quadratic  − 0.38 0.21  − 1.84 2.70 [0.45. 1.04]
ESB time: cubic 0.50 0.24 2.03* 1.35 [1.00. 2.71]
ESB time: 4th degree 0.69 0.25 2.72** 1.25 [1.18. 3.35]
ESB time: 5th degree 0.33 0.23 1.40 0.69 [0.89. 2.27]
Other e-gambling 0.72 0.17 4.29*** 1.65 [1.48. 2.85]
Play-to-win paying 0.41 0.16 2.59** 1.99 [1.11. 2.07]
Scale ESB time: linear  − 0.74 0.26  − 2.80** 1.38 [0.29. 0.83]
ESB time: quadratic  − 0.36 0.24  − 1.50 2.04 [0.43. 1.15]
ESB time: cubic  − 0.46 0.23  − 1.99* 1.51 [0.40. 1.00]
ESB time: degree 4  − 0.13 0.21  − 0.63 0.48 [0.57. 1.32]
ESB time: degree 5  − 0.19 0.19  − 1.01 0.69 [0.58. 1.21]

B, SE, z, OR, LL, and UL represent parameter estimation, with standard error, Wald test statistic, odds ratio, and lower and upper limit of the 95% confidence interval of odds ratio, respectively

*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001