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. 2021 Sep 28;100(12):101510. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2021.101510

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Difference of SUSHA, SUSA, RSS, QS, AAES, DS among 3 ends of 10 flocks a,bamong 3 ends mean without a common superscript differ (P < 0.05) From 1 to 10 of abscissas represent different breeds: 1: Hy-Line Brown, 2: Jinghong-1, 3: Rhode Island Red, 3: Brown-Egg Dwarf Layer, 5: Hy-Line Sonia, 6: Jingfen-1, 7: Taihang (Pink-shelled); 8: White Leghorn, 9: Dongxiang, 10: Taihang (Blue-shelled). Abbreviations: AAES (cm2), average spots area in eggshell; DS (cm), diameters of spots on eggshell; QS, quantity of spots on eggshell; RSS(%), ratio of SUSA to SUSHA; SUSHA (cm2), sum area of the whole eggshell; SUSA (cm2), sum of spots areas on the whole eggshell.