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. 2021 Nov 8;19(11):e06882. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2021.6882
Web of science search string
Years 2004–2019
Search terms Field searched
TS=small ruminants OR TS=small ruminant OR TS=sheep OR TS=goats OR TS=goat OR TS=lambs OR TS=lamb OR TS=kids OR TS=kid OR TS=muttons OR TS=mutton OR TS=rams OR TS=ram OR TS=billy‐goats OR TS=billy‐goat OR TS=“Ovis aries” OR TS=“Capra aegagrus hircus” Topic
TS=slaughter* OR TS=kill* OR TS=stun* Topic
TS=Arriv* OR TS=*load* OR TS=lairage* OR TS=handl* OR TS=mov* OR TS=restrain* OR TS=cut* OR TS=bleed* OR TS=conscious* OR TS=pain* OR TS=behav* OR TS=stress* Topic
TS=Welf* OR TS=“animal welfare” Topic
Results: 221
Results after screening: 90