Table 3.
Cost-effectiveness results for re-engineered methadone (2015 $).
Treatment Arm | N | Average total cost of treatment per participant episode |
Past 30 days abstinent from heroin in 30 days prior to 12-month follow-up (self- reported) |
Percentage of participants with a negative opioid urine screen at 12-month follow-up |
Percentage of participants not meeting DSM-IV criteria for opioid dependence at 12-month follow-up |
Average cost (SE) |
Mean effectiveness ± (SE) |
Incremental CE ratio (ΔC/ΔE) |
Mean effectiveness ± (SE) |
Incremental CE ratio (ΔC/ΔE) |
Mean effectiveness ± (SE) |
Imputed incremental CE ratio (ΔC/ΔE) |
TAU | 149 | $2292 | 20.2 | 40% | – | 31% | ||
(108.26) | (1.01) | (4.02) | – | (3.80) | ||||
PCM | 146 | $2396 | 20.6 | $242 | 39% | Economically dominated | 40% | $1138 |
(102.64) | (1.00) | (4.05) | – | (4.06) |
Note: Standard errors (SE) are presented in parenthesis.