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. 2021 Mar 4;139:116250. doi: 10.1016/j.trac.2021.116250

Table 1.

Summary of virus analyses by approach to pathogen identification (n/a - not available).

Virus Sample source Analytical Method No. of samples Reference
HBV, HCV serum PCR 730 [92]
Enteric viruses stool samples monoplex or multiplex RT-PCR 227 [93]
HRSV nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab real-time RT-PCR 334 [94]
DENV, ZIKV serum RT-qPCR 46 [95]
Respiratory viruses throat swabs and sputum samples RT-qPCR 408 [96]
Respiratory viruses nasopharyngeal aspirates, nasopharyngeal and oral pharyngeal swab rRT-PCR 8173 [97]
SARS-CoV-2 sputum, nose and throat swabs real-time RT-PCR 297 [98]
LASV serum, lung and spleen tissue, blood RT-qPCR 82 [99]
Respiratory viruses respiratory tract swabs and aspirates MALDI-TOF MS 58 [89]
HR HPV uterine cervix cytology MALDI-TOF MS 356 [90]
Poliovirus cerebrospinal fluid, throat swab, stool samples MALDI-TOF MS 5 [88]
SARS-CoV-2 nasal swab MALDI-MS + machine learning analysis 362 [39]
Enterovirus EV71 serum LDI-MS with cellulose acetate membranę and Ag or Au NPs n/a [100]
Triaviruses, Phietaviruses, Biseptimaviruses, Kayviruses, Twortvirus, P68virus reference and isolates MALDI-TOF MS n/a [101]
vB-SdyS-ISF003 wastewater and sewage PCR and sequencing DNA n/a [102]
Kayvirus K1/420 medicamente isolate CZE, MALDI-TOF MS n/a [85]
Staphylococcal phages (K1/420, 11, P68) physiological saline solution, human serum MALDI-TOF MS n/a [86]
Staphylococcal phages (K1/420, 11, P68, 3A, 77) blood, serum MALDI-TOF MS n/a [56]