Internal: Maryland Department of Health (MDH) |
Public Health Services: act as MDH trusted agent and initiate convening of representatives. a |
Behavioral Health Administration: assess situation report, provide subject matter expertise on opioid use disorder, support care coordination, and engage opioid treatment program partners, as appropriate. a |
Medicaid Administration: assess situation report and extract Medicaid data for the prescriber to identify the number of affected Medicaid recipients and managed care organizations. a |
Office of Preparedness and Response: coordinate overall response according to protocol, including task delegation. a |
Maryland Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: extract PDMP practice profile data if requested by a convened medical review committee. Extract PDMP identifiable data if requested for local care coordination. a |
Principal Counsel: provide counsel on legal issues related to response and planning efforts. a |
Local health officer(s): assume role of incident commander to manage the response and coordinate with state and local health department staff members in the affected area(s). a |
Office of Controlled Substances Administration: provide details on the investigative/disciplinary record for prescriber(s). |
Office of Inspector General: provide information on current Medicaid fraud investigations related to prescriber. |
Health Professional Licensure Boards: provide details on the investigative/disciplinary record of prescriber(s). Identify who can speak authoritatively about the status of prescriber’s license and timeline for next steps in the disciplinary process. |
Opioid-involved program directors: participation designated by deputy secretary leadership to provide subject matter expertise. |
Data analysts (eg, PDMP, ESSENCE, Medicaid): participation designated by deputy secretary leadership to provide subject matter expertise. |
Office of Communications (optional): monitor situation and issue communications for public release, as appropriate. |
External |
Opioid Operational Command Center: monitor situation and issue communications for public release. |
Law enforcement authority partners: provide details on the investigative/disciplinary record of prescriber(s). b |
Health system partners (eg, emergency medical services, hospital emergency departments, pharmacists): notify and coordinate local health system partners of potential surge. |
Abbreviations: ESSENCE, Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics; PDMP, prescription drug monitoring program.
aDenotes representatives that are part of the medical review committee. The medical review committee is a subgroup that is formed to review confidential data when an incident occurs.
bLaw enforcement authority partners include the US Drug Enforcement Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, US Department of Justice, and the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General.