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. 2000 Jun;20(11):3951–3964. doi: 10.1128/mcb.20.11.3951-3964.2000

FIG. 4.

FIG. 4

p38 phosphorylates MEF2C and increases its transcriptional activity during muscle differentiation. (a) 10T1/2 cells were cotransfected with a Gal4-Luc reporter and expression vectors for wild type (wt) and mutant (mt) Gal4-MEF2 fusion proteins [MEF2A(A312/A319) and MEF2C(A293)] along with either an empty vector or an MKK6EE expression vector. Fold activation is the ratio of the luciferase activity in cells transfected with the activator (Gal4-MEF2) to that of cells transfected with the reporter but no activators. The data are representative of three independent experiments. SB, SB202190. (b) C2C12 cells were transfected with either wild-type or mutant Gal4-MEF2C vectors along with either an empty vector or an MKK6EE expression vector. After in vivo labeling with 32P, Gal4-MEF2C was immunoprecipitated, separated by SDS-PAGE, and visualized by autoradiography. The level of Gal4-MEF2C expression was determined by immunoblotting (IB) with anti-Gal4 antibody (α-gal4). (c, upper panels) C2C12 cells kept in either GM or DM (2 days) were metabolically labeled with 32P in the absence or presence of SB202190 as indicated. Endogenous MEF2C was immunoprecipitated, the immune complexes were separated by SDS-PAGE, and the MEF2C band was excised and analyzed by two-dimensional tryptic phosphopeptide mapping. (lower panels), M2-tagged wild-type MEF2C or mutant MEF2C(A293) were transfected into C2C12 cells and were kept in DM for 2 days before being subjected to metabolic labeling as described for panel a. Tagged MEF2C proteins were immunoprecipitated and subjected to two-dimensional mapping. o, the origin of the chromatogram. The phosphopeptide containing T293 is indicated by an arrow.