Table 2. Summary of interventions and populations in Ring Strategy Trial–Peru, 2015–2017.
Strategy | Interventions | Population |
Ring treatment | Pig tongue screening, human treatment in rings (q4 months, 7x) |
2 villages* (~1200 humans, ~400 pigs) |
Ring treatment w/ pig treatment | Pig tongue screening, human and pig treatment in rings (q4 months, 7x) | 4 villages (~1600 humans, 500 pigs) |
Ring screening | Pig tongue screening, human screen-and-treat in rings (q4 months, 7x) |
4 villages (~1500 humans, 600 pigs) |
Ring screening w/ pig treatment | Pig tongue screening, human screen-and-treat, pig treat in rings (q4 months, 7x) | 4 villages (~1500 humans, 400 pigs) |
Human mass treatment | Human MDA (q6 months, 5x) |
4 villages (~1300 humans, ~400 pigs) |
Human and pig mass treatment | Human and pig MDA (q6 months, 5x) |
3 villages (~1400 humans, ~500 pigs) |
21 villages
(~19000 humans, ~8000 pigs) |
*2 villages excluded from ring treatment due to small size and lack of observed transmission
Abbreviations: MDA = Mass drug administration, q = frequency; x = repetitions.