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. 2021 Oct 26;12:733285. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.733285


Summary of clinical studies investigating blood, PBMC and allograft tacrolimus concentrations and their associations with clinical outcomes or ex-vivo pharmacodynamic assessments.

Study transplant type Time post-transplant Maintenance immuno-suppresion Analytical methods and sample collection times Interacting drugs Main clinical outcomes or ex vivo pharmacodynamic outcomes
A. Clinical Outcomes
Sandborn et al. (1995)Adult Liver (n = 17) Up to 8 weeks Tac, steroid Plasma and graft tissue: IA (non-specific)C0 Not stated Prospective observational studyBased on protocol and for-cause biopsies, liver [Tac] significantly lower in rejectors compared to non-rejectors. No difference in plasma [Tac]
Capron et al. (2007)Adult Liver (n = 146) Day 7 Tac ± steroid Blood: IA (non-specific) graft tissue: LC-MS/MSC0 Ceased by day 7 Prospective observational studyBased on day 7 protocol biopsies, liver [Tac] 30 pg/mg cut-off (sensitivity 89%, specificity 98%) predicts clinically significant rejection
Capron et al. (2012)Adult Liver (n = 90) Day 7 Tac Blood: IAPBMC and graft tissue: LC-MS/MSC0 Excluded Prospective observational studyBased on day 7 protocol biopsies, significant association between severity of rejection and C0PBMC or C0Liver. No relationship with C0Blood
Rayar et al. (2018)Adult Liver (n = 41) Days 1–7 Tac, MPA, steroid Blood and PBMC: LC-MS/MSC0 Not stated Prospective observational studyNo significant independent associations of C0PBMC with measures of graft function
Han et al. (2016)Adult Kidney (n = 214) SS up to 14 years Tac, MPA, steroid Blood and PBMC: LC-MS/MSC0 Excluded Prospective observational PK-ex vivo PD study. Retrospective analysis of rejection and tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity. No significant association between C0PBMC and history of acute rejection or nephrotoxicity in first 6 months post-transplant
Francke et al. (2020)Adult Kidney (n = 175) 3, 6 and 12 months Tac, MPA, steroid Blood: IAPBMC: LC-MS/MSC0 Excluded up to 3 months. Unclear for >3 months Prospective observational PK study. Retrospective analysis of rejection and tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity. Based on for-cause biopsies, no association between the 3-month C0PBMC or C0Blood and rejection within the first 3 months post-transplant. Similarly, no associations with clinically defined nephrotoxicity or new onset diabetes mellitus within the first 3 months post-transplant
Zhang et al. (2020)Adult Kidney (n = 52) 3 months and 1 year Tac, MPA, steroid Blood: IA graft tissue: LC-MS/MSC0 Not stated Prospective observational studyBased on protocol biopsies, no association between renal [Tac] and subclinical acute rejection at either 3 months or 1 year
Sallustio et al. (2021)Adult Kidney (n = 132) SS 15 (8–80)7 days Tac, MPA, steroid Blood and graft tissue: LC-MS/MSC0 Not excluded Prospective observational studyBased on protocol and for-cause biopsies, no association between renal [Tac] and rejection. C0Blood, dose and acute nephrotoxicity were associated with renal [Tac]
B. Ex-vivo Pharmacodynamic Assessments
Lemaitre et al. (2015)Adult Liver (n = 10) Days 1 and 7 Tac, MPA, steroid Blood and PBMC: LC-MS/MSCmax, C12 and AUC Anti-retrovirals excluded Prospective observational studyOn day 1 changes in CNA mirrored those in blood and PBMC [Tac]. No correlations between AUCCNA and either AUCBlood or AUCPBMC.
Tron et al. (2020)Adult Liver (n = 32) SSDay 7–10 Tac, MPA, steroid Blood and PBMC: LC-MS/MSC0, Cmax and AUC Excluded Prospective observational studyNo correlation between AUCCNA and either AUCBlood or AUCPBMC. Significant association between maximal inhibition of CAN and either log AUCPBMC or log AUCBlood
Han et al. (2016)Adult Kidney (n = 214) SS up to 14 years Tac, MPA, steroid Blood and PBMC: LC-MS/MSC0 Excluded Prospective observational studyIn sub-group (n = 39), both C0PBMC and C0Blood associated with ex vivo measures of T-cell activation
Fontova et al. (2021)Adult Kidney (n = 25) SS > 6 months a.m. and p.m. dose Tac, MPA, steroid Blood and PBMC: LC-MS/MSCmax, C12 and AUC Excluded Prospective observational studySignificant correlation between blood [Tac] and CNA over a 24 h (a.m. plus p.m.) dosing interval. Correlation between PBMC [Tac] and CNA not investigated

Tac = tacrolimus, [Tac] = tacrolimus concentration, MPA = mycophenolic acid, SS = steady state, CNA = calcineurin activity, PK = pharmacokinetic, PD = pharmacodynamic.