Retina organoid + RPE implant on matrigel. (A) RO and RPE embedded together using matrigel. (B) Plastic section of tissue fixed 1 h after matrigel embedding. (C) After co-culture for 4 days, arrow points to retina organoid. (D) Optical coherence tomography (OCT) B-scan image 12 days after transplantation of the co-graft into a rat eye (A). Arrow indicates parylene implant. (E) OCT fundus image showing the co-graft placement in the subretinal area of an RCS rat; arrows point to co-graft. (F) Histology of the transplanted eye (hematoxylin–eosin staining). Arrows point to parylene implant. (G) Staining for human nuclei (Ku-80). (H) Recoverin: photoreceptors and cone bipolar cells. (I) Staining for cellular retinaldehyde binding protein (CRALBP: Müller glia and RPE).