Analyses of physiological responses of “attenuated” fad2 alleles. (A–C) Germination tests for fad2 alleles conducted in (A), 1/2 MS, (B), 1/2 MS; 150-mM NaCl, and (C), 1/2 MS; 300-mM Mannitol condition to test whether increases in oleic acid content influence germination under both normal and stress conditions. The pictures were taken after 96 h of sowing. Germination rates were measured every 12 h in triplicate. (D–F) Analyses of root growth rates of fad2 alleles, whose seedlings had been grown for 4 days in 1/2 MS and then were transferred to both normal and stress conditions to allow root development for 5 days. The data presented in (D), pictures taken to identify root lengths of 5-day-grown seedling under experimental conditions, (E), graphs indicating the root lengths in different conditions, and (F), a graph showing relative root lengths in 75-mM NaCl and 200-mM Mannitol when the root length in 1/2 MS was set to 100%. All values represent mean ± SD.