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. 2021 Jul 21;6(11):1–9. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2021.2537

Figure 2. Workload and Oxygen Consumption (V̇o2) at Peak Exercise and Its Association With Left Ventricular (LV) Mass and Biventricular Remodeling Score in the Study Populations.

Figure 2.

A, Regression line showing a positive association between the peak V̇o2 and the indexed LV mass (ρ = 0.7934; P < .001, and P = .046 when adjusted by age, sex, and body surface area). Adults born small for gestational age (SGA) present a significantly different regression line and have lower exercise capacity per unit of LV mass than controls (P = .04 for interaction). B, Regression line showing an inverse association between the peak V̇o2 and the quantity of biventricular remodeling score by 3-dimensional shape analysis (ρ = −0.2549; P = .009, and P = .002 when adjusted by age, sex, and body surface area).