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. 2021 Oct 25;9(10):e24872. doi: 10.2196/24872

Table 4.

Coefficients of multiple regression analysis for digital biomarkers and 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) scores. Fully adjusted models.

Predictor βa (95% CI) P value
Model 1

Digital biomarker: –2.974 (–5.202 to –0.747) .009

Age –0.114 (–0.163 to –0.064) <.001

Gender (male) –0.165 (–0.811 to 0.481) .62

Ethnic group (Indian) –0.297 (–1.393 to 0.798) .59

Ethnic group (Malay) –0.036 (–1.629 to 1.556) .96

Ethnic group (others) 1.012 (–0.021 to 2.045) .06

Marital status (single) –0.633 (–1.341 to 0.076) .08

Education level (university degree) –1.023 (–2.079 to 0.034) .06

Monthly income level (SGD 4000c and above) 0.283 (–0.422 to 0.988) .43

Alcohol consumption (yes) –0.201 (–0.834 to 0.433) .53

Smoking status (nonsmoker) –0.768 (–2.075 to 0.54) .25

Self-rated health (fair) 1.528 (–0.103 to 3.159) .07

Self-rated health (good) 0.597 (–0.631 to 1.824) .34

Self-rated health (very good) –0.026 (–1.246 to 1.194) .97

UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) Loneliness Scale score 0.094 (0.062 to 0.127) <.001

Sleep Hygiene Index (SHI) score 0.082 (0.022 to 0.143) .008

Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) score 0.362 (0.227 to 0.496) <.001

Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) score 0.06 (–0.014 to 0.134) .11

Intercept 3.407 (–0.167 to 6.98) .06
Model 2

Digital biomarker: –3.843 (–7.567 to –0.119) .04

Age –0.113 (–0.163 to –0.063) <.001

Gender (male) –0.063 (–0.712 to 0.586) .85

Ethnic group (Indian) –0.19 (–1.285 to 0.904) .73

Ethnic group (Malay) –0.038 (–1.64 to 1.563) .96

Ethnic group (others) 1.126 (0.09 to 2.162) .03

Marital status (single) –0.635 (–1.348 to 0.077) .08

Education level (university degree) –1.056 (–2.12 to 0.007) .051

Monthly income level (SGD 4000 and above) 0.309 (–0.402 to 1.02) .39

Alcohol consumption (yes) –0.229 (–0.87 to 0.413) .48

Smoking status (nonsmoker) –0.741 (–2.056 to 0.573) .27

Self-rated health (fair) 1.574 (–0.066 to 3.213) .06

Self-rated health (good) 0.604 (–0.631 to 1.838) .34

Self-rated health (very good) –0.031 (–1.259 to 1.196) .96

UCLA Loneliness Scale score 0.092 (0.059 to 0.124) <.001

SHI score 0.091 (0.031 to 0.151) .003

PSQI score 0.351 (0.216 to 0.486) <.001

ESS score 0.062 (–0.013 to 0.136) .11

Intercept 2.526 (–0.921 to 5.973) .15
Model 3

Digital biomarker: NHR.0406.cve 9.096 (0.333 to 17.859) .04

Age –0.114 (–0.164 to –0.064) <.001

Gender (male) –0.246 (–0.909 to 0.416) .47

Ethnic group (Indian) –0.188 (–1.282 to 0.907) .74

Ethnic group (Malay) –0.193 (–1.802 to 1.415) .81

Ethnic group (others) 0.985 (–0.058 to 2.028) .06

Marital status (single) –0.661 (–1.373 to 0.051) .07

Education level (university degree) –0.837 (–1.913 to 0.238) .13

Monthly income level (SGD 4000 and above) 0.301 (–0.409 to 1.011) .40

Alcohol consumption (yes) –0.1 (–0.736 to 0.536) .76

Smoking status (nonsmoker) –0.72 (–2.035 to 0.595) .28

Self-rated health (fair) 1.811 (0.166 to 3.456) .03

Self-rated health (good) 0.763 (–0.479 to 2.005) .23

Self-rated health (very good) 0.215 (–1.026 to 1.457) .73

UCLA score 0.091 (0.059 to 0.124) <.001

SHI score 0.103 (0.043 to 0.163) .001

PSQI score 0.332 (0.195 to 0.47) <.001

ESS score 0.061 (–0.013 to 0.135) .11

Intercept 0.598 (–2.891 to 4.088) .74

aUnstandardized coefficients (β) with their 95% CIs and exact P values of digital biomarkers are reported as predictors of PHQ-9 scores in multiple regression models. steps-based interdaily stability on weekdays.

cA currency exchange rate of SGD 1=US $0.75 is applicable. steps-based autocorrelation with weekday data aggregated into 15-minute intervals. coefficient of variation of nighttime heart rate between 4 AM and 6 AM.

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