The upregulation of ATG12 induced by hypoxia is mediated via miR‐378‐3p. A, RT‐qPCR was used to detect the expression of miR‐378‐3p in PC12 and N2A cells in the control or hypoxia‐exposed group, or in cells transfected with miR‐NC or miR‐378‐3p mimics. B, Expression of ATG12 in PC12 and N2A cells in the control or hypoxia‐exposed group, or in cells transfected with miR‐NC or miR‐378‐3p mimics. C, The luciferase reporter construct 378‐Luc‐HRE1 or 378‐Luc‐HRE2 was examined in N2A cells in the control (Ctrl), hypoxia, hypoxia+si‐NC or hypoxia‐si‐HIF1A group. Data are reported as the means ± SD. *P < .05 vs control (t test)