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. 2021 Mar 3;2:219–234. doi: 10.1016/j.jvssci.2021.01.002

Table III.

Summary of how animal models reflect risk factors and observations from human disease

Risk factor Significance in human AAA Model Reflection in murine models
Age Age-dependent increasing incidence of AAA4 PPE
Mainly 10 week-old-mice treated11,23,32,85; bigger AAA in PPE in older mice (unpublished); higher incidence of AngII dissection in older animals30
Family history Higher prevalence if one sibling is affected, higher in twins86 Not applicable
Ethnicity Highest prevalence in Caucasians87 ePPE
Different susceptibilities to the induction stimuli in mice from different strains (ie, size, VSMC biology)88,89
Smoking Major risk factor for AAA and associated with faster aneurysm growth4,87 AngIIPPE Nicotine instigates AAA formation, increases the incidence (AngII) and promotes AAA growth, rupture. and arterial stiffness45,57,85,90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95
Male sex Higher AAA incidence in men, worse outcomes after aortic repair in women26,96 AngII
Aneurysm formation 5-10 times higher in male mice97
Female sex hormones prevent AAA formation98
Hypertensive disease Major risk factor for AAA AngII Aneurysm formation/dissection is not associated with hypertension99
Metabolic syndrome No direct association AngII AAA incidence 3-4 times higher in hypercholesterolemic mice53,100
Connective tissue disease Variety of aortic and other aneurysms in patients with a variety of CTD101 Individual mouse models with specific mutations, but no combination with AAA models102
 Disturbed/altered iliac outflow Progressive AAA kinking and higher AAA incidence103 PPE Promotes AAA kinking and catalyzes potential adventitial angiogenesis32,104
 Metformin possibly protective of AAA105 AngII slows AAA/dissection growth106,107
 Statins Statins reduce AAA growth and AAA-related mortality4,26 AngII
Statins suppress AAA formation in normal and hypercholesterolemic mice108,109
 Platelet inhibitors Recommended in patients with AAA to lower cardiovascular comorbidities4 AngII Decreased the increase of aortic diameter, leukocyte infiltration, MMP9 expression and elastic fiber degradation110,111
 ILT Viscoelastic, biologically active thrombus observed in >90% of AAAs26 ePPE Observed regularly, currently no data on biological activity12
 Atherosclerotic aorta High coincidence of atherosclerosis and AAA in human, yet considered distinct diseases52 AngII
See section above on the significance of the atherosclerotic murine aorta
AAA localization >80% infrarenal26 AngII
AngII aortic dissections are seen mostly at the ascending and thoracoabdominal portion of the aorta proximal to the renal arteries29 for the other models, the localization is subject to surgical exposure (Fig 4)
 Rupture Most frequently contained into retroperitoneal space4 AngII ePPE AngII: open rupture or intramural bleeding29 ePPE: open rupture or contained to retroperitoneal space12

AAA, Abdominal aortic aneurysm; AngII, angiotensin II; CTD, connective tissue disease; ePPE, external periadventitial elastase application; ILT, intraluminal thrombus; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; PPE, periadventitial elastase application; VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cell.