CIED Follow-up Recommendations |
[91,92] |
I |
In-person evaluation (IPE) and the establishment of remote interrogation and monitoring (RIM) are recommended within 2–4 weeks post CIED implantation. |
C-EO |
I |
At least one annual IPE of all CIEDs is recommended. |
C-EO |
I |
RIM is recommended for all patients with a CIED that has been recalled or has an advisory to enable early detection of actionable events and confirm proper device function. |
C-EO |
I |
RIM of CIEDs is recommended every 3–12 months for pacemakers and 3–6 months for ICDs. Frequency should be increased (every 1–3 months) for CIEDs approaching elective replacement indicators. |
C-EO |
I |
It is recommended that allied health care professionals possess International Board of Heart Rhythm Examiners certification or equivalent experience if they provide RIM and are involved in patient management decisions. |
C-EO |
CIED Ancillary Testing Recommendations |
I |
Evaluation of the intrinsic cardiac rhythm evaluation is recommended during CIED interrogation at the annual IPE. |
C-EO |
IIa |
A standard 12-lead ECG is reasonable at annual in-person evaluation. |
C-EO |
IIa |
Two-view chest X-ray is reasonable at the first post-implant IPE and every 1–3 years based on patient-specific considerations. |
C-EO |
IIa |
An echocardiogram is reasonable for assessment of ventricular function in patients who have >40% ventricular paced rhythm every 1–3 years. |
C-LD |
[93] |
IIb |
Exercise stress testing and ambulatory ECG monitoring may be considered in patients with symptoms suggesting possible device malfunction or to assist with device programming. |
C-LD |
[94] |