PRE mapping of Bro1–hyperphosphorylatedinteractions.A, schematic of ; vertical lines indicate the location of the four independent conjugation sites and of the P801G mutation (green). The location of phosphorylated tyrosine residues is shown. B, intermolecular PREs observed on 2H/15N-labeled Bro1 (200 μM) arising from MTSL label conjugated to hyperphosphorylated at four specific sites; Bro1 to molar ratio = 1:1. Conjugation of MTSL at site C813 produced a noticeable intermolecular PRE; residues with intermolecular PREs above the background are labeled and indicated by purple bars. PREs too large (>60 s−1) to be accurately measured are plotted as 60 s−1. The remaining three conjugation sites did not generate large intermolecular PREs; a few exceptions are labeled. C, ribbon representation of Bro1; residues that exhibit large PREs (≥25 s−1) with spin label at site C813 are depicted as purple spheres; residues that were completely broadened out are marked with asterisks. Y319 is shown in a stick representation. D, molecular surface of Bro1 (in the same orientation as C) color coded according to electrostatic potential; ±5 kT with blue, positive; white, neutral; and red, negative. PRD, proline-rich domain; PRE, paramagnetic relaxation enhancement; MTSL, (1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-Δ3-pyrroline-3-methyl) methanethiosulfonate.