Time course of neutrophil counts during H-ARS at the LD50/120. Complete blood counts were assessed from day 1 to 42 after irradiation. The neutrophil count for both female (open gray circles) and male (black circles) rats reached a nadir of ~100 neutrophils/μl, between 5–7 days. The neutrophil counts recover to >1000 neutrophils/μl by day 22 after irradiation. Non-irradiated males have a slightly higher neutrophil concentration (solid grey bar) compared to non-irradiated females (white/gray bar). Data are presented as means and 95% CI for non-irradiated female (white/gray bar) and male (solid grey bar) rats.
5b. Time course of platelet counts during H-ARS at the LD50/120.There was a drop in platelet counts and recovery during H-ARS at the LD50/120. The platelet nadir occurred at 14 days after irradiation with a count of ~35 and 70 platelets ×103/μl for male and females, respectively. The platelet counts recover to >1000 ×103 platelets/μl by day 22 after irradiation. The bars represent the 95% confidence limits for non-irradiated female (white/gray bar) and male (solid grey bar) rats. Data are presented as means and 95% CI.