Table 1.
Mechanical properties and element types in the model of human donor 118. The bulk modulus was set to κ=100μ for all tissues (Cneo= μ/2).
Structures | Element type |
Density Kg/m3 |
Material model |
Material properties |
Retina [81] | Lagrangian | 1100 | Hyperelastic | Cneo=0.005 |
Sclera [81] | Lagrangian | 1243 | Hyperelastic | Cneo=0.113 |
Lamina cribrosa [81] | Lagrangian | 1243 | Hyperelastic | Cneo=0.113×0.38 (CTVF)=0.042 |
Pia [81] | Lagrangian | 1100 | Hyperelastic | Cneo=0.113 |
Optic nerve [81] | Lagrangian | 1100 | Hyperelastic | Cneo=0.005 |
Cornea [82] | Lagrangian | 1076 | Hyperelastic | Cneo=0.276 |
Zonules [33] | Lagrangian | 1000 | Hyperelastic | Cneo=0.0595 |
Lens [33] | Lagrangian | 1078 | Hyperelastic | Cneo=0.1394 |
Ciliary body [33] | Lagrangian | 1600 | Hyperelastic | Cneo=0.1394 |
Extra ocular tissue [83] | Lagrangian | 970 | Hyperelastic | Cneo=0.0017 |
Aqueous [26] | Lagrangian | 1000 | Hyperelastic | Cneo=0. 0000035 |
Vitreous [84] | Lagrangian | 1000 | Viscoelastic | G0=0.01 kPa, G∞=0.0003 kPa, β=14.26 1/s, K=2 GPa |
Skull [22] | Lagrangian | 1009 | Elastic | E=13.7 GPa, v=0.3 |
IED [27] | Eulerian | 1570 | Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation | Detonation velocity = 6930 m/s, Chapman-Jouget pressure‡ = 21 GPa, Internal energy density (E0) = 4.3 GPa |
Air [27] | Eulerian | 1.22 | Ideal-gas gamma-law | Internal energy density (E0) = 0.258 MPa, γ = 1.4, Pressure cut off=1e7 GPa |
Soil [85] | Eulerian | 1986 | Federal Highway Administration soil model | Pore Water Pressure = 5, Specific Gravity of Soil used to get porosity= 2.65, ρwater (Density of water in model units - used to determine air void strain (saturation)) = 1, Viscoplasticity parameter (strain-rate enhanced strength) =2, Viscoplasticity parameter (strain-rate enhanced strength) =1e-4, Maximum number of plasticity iterations = 10, K (Bulk Modulus) = 5.19 GPa, G (Shear modulus) = 343 MPa, Peak Shear Strength Angle (friction angle) (radians) = 0.611, Coefficient A for modified Drucker-Prager Surface = 4.4e-9, Cohesion ñ Shear Strength at zero confinement (overburden) = 6.2e-8, Eccentricity parameter for third invariant effects = 1, Strain hardening percent of phi max where non-linear effects start = 0.25, Strain Hardening Amount of non-linear effects = 0.01, Moisture Content of Soil (Determines amount of air voids) (0.0 - 1.00) = 0.252, Parameter for pore water effects on bulk modulus = 463, Skeleton bulk modulus- Pore water parameter ñ set to zero to eliminate effects = 5.199e-4, The minimum internal friction angle, radians (residual shear strength) = 0.001, Volumetric Strain at Initial damage threshold = 0.1, Void formation energy (like fracture energy) = 1, Level of damage that will cause element deletion (0.0 - 1.00) = 0, Maximum principle failure strain = 1 |
The Chapman-Jouguet pressure is reached if the sonic velocity of the reaction gases reaches the detonation velocity.