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FIG. 3.

FIG. 3

FIG. 3

G1/S-phase cell cycle checkpoint in response to IR in slip mice. slip and wild-type mice were treated with 10 Gy, pulsed with BrdU, and analyzed for its incorporation by immunohistochemistry (a) and flow cytometry (b). (a) Representative thin sections (magnification, ×68) of thymuses from unirradiated and irradiated FVB/N and slip mice, immunostained for BrdU incorporation. (b) Graph showing the mean percentage of the total thymocytes (plus the standard error) in S phase of the cell cycle demonstrates BrdU incorporation for untreated and irradiated wild-type and slip mice. Each mean value was generated from S-phase values for 5 to 10 mice. Paired t test analysis revealed a significant difference between slip and irradiated slip (slip IR) samples (P < 0.02).