1 |
False positive (FP) |
Co-occurring symptoms |
10 |
(ja) インフルかと思って病院行ったけど、検査したら違ったよ。 |
Fever pos. |
(en) I thought I had the flu so I went to the doctor, but I got tested and I was wrong. |
2 |
Symptoms mentioned in general topics |
8 |
(ja) 風邪といえば鼻づまりですよね。 |
Cold pos. Runny nose pos. |
(en) To me, a cold means a stuffy nose. |
3 |
Suspected influenza |
5 |
(ja) インフルエンザかもしれないから部活休もうかな。 |
Flu pos. |
(en) I might have the flu so I’m thinking I’ll skip the club meeting. |
4 |
Fully recovered symptoms |
5 |
(ja) やっと咳と痰が治まった。 |
Cough pos. |
(en) My cough and phlegm are finally cured. |
5 |
Metaphorical expressions |
3 |
(ja) 熱をあげているのは嫁と娘だ。 |
Fever pos. |
(en) What makes me excited are my wife and daughter. |
6 |
Denied symptoms |
2 |
(ja) 鼻水が止まらないので熱でもあるのかと思ったけど、全然そんなことなかったわ。 |
Fever pos. |
(en) My nose won’t stop running, which got me wondering if I have a fever, but as it turns out I definitely do not. |
7 |
Symptoms for asking unspecified people |
2 |
(ja) 誰か熱ある人いない? |
Fever pos. |
(en) Anyone have a fever? |
8 |
Past symptoms |
1 |
(ja) ネパールにいったら食べ物があわなくてお腹壊して下痢になった・・・ |
Diarrhea pos. |
(en) When I went to Nepal, the food didn’t agree with me, and I got an upset stomach and diarrhea. . . |
9 |
False negative (FN) |
Symptoms that are directly expressed |
8 |
(ja) 痰が止まったとおもったらこんどは頭痛。 |
Headache neg. |
(en) Just when I thought the phlegm was over, now I have a headache |
10 |
Symptoms that are indirectly expressed |
5 |
(ja) 中国にいた時は花粉症ならなかったのに再発したー! |
Runny nose neg. |
(en) Even though I didn’t have allergies when I was in China, they’re back! |
11 |
Symptoms that can be inferred to be positive by being a tweet from a person |
4 |
(ja) 今日花粉少ないとか言ってるやつ花粉症じゃないから。 |
Runny nose neg. |
(en) The people who are saying there’s not a lot of pollen today don’t have allergies. |
12 |
Symptoms that are in the recovery process |
1 |
(ja) インフルが回復してきてだいぶ元気になった!けどあと2日は外出禁止なんだよな。 |
Flu neg. |
(en) I’ve recovered from the flu and feel great! But I’m still not allowed to go out for two days. |
13 |
Symptoms occurring in the tweeter’s neighborhood |
1 |
(ja) うちのクラス、集団で下痢事件 |
Diarrhea neg. |
(en) There’s a diarrhea outbreak in my class |