Ngn3-labeled cells found in ducts in homeostasis express SST
(A) Lineage tracing and experimental timeline.
(B) Left: double IF for tdTomato and C-peptide in Ngn3-CreERT; R26-CAG-tdTomato mice, showing a C-peptide+/tdTomato+ cell in a duct. Scale bar, 15 μm. Right: 3D view following FLASH for tdTomato and C-peptide, showing an extra-islet C-peptide+/tdTomato+ cell. Scale bar, 20 μm.
(C) 3D view following FLASH for tdTomato, C-peptide, and Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA). An islet-like structure associated with the ductal epithelium is boxed. 3D view scale bar, 40 μm; 2D view scale bar, 20 μm.
(D) Double IF for tdTomato and SST, with enlargement shown on the right. Scale bars, 10 μm (left) and 5 μm (right).
(E) 3D view following FLASH for tdTomato, C-peptide, SST, and DBA in an Ngn3-CreERT; R26-CAG-tdTomato mouse pancreas 1 month after tamoxifen. Quadruple-positive cells within the duct (white box) are shown enlarged as a single slice. Scale bars, 40 μm (3D view) and 7 μm (2D views).
(F) Quantification of traced ductal cells per mouse at the listed time points after tamoxifen that are INS+/SST−, INS−/SST+, or INS+/SST+. N = 3 “no intraperitoneal (IP) tamoxifen injection ,” N = 3 at 1 week, N = 4 at 4 weeks, and N = 4 at the 12 week time point. The average of 4 sections per mouse is shown. Data are represented as mean with SD and p values are indicated; n.s (p>0.05).
See also Figure S2 and Videos S1 and S2.