Table 3.
Outcomes in patients for whom escalation to intubation and mechanical ventilation was not specified
Patients, N | Location* | Need for IMV, n (%) | Survival assessment | Survival, n (%) |
Duration of support, median (IQR) days |
NIRS success† | NIRS failure† | ||||||
HFNO only | |||||||
Baqi et al (Pakistan)33 | 21 | Ward, ICU | 5 (24%) | Hospital | 11 (52%) | .. | .. |
Calligaro et al (South Africa)20 | 293 | ICU, ward | 111 (38%) | Hospital | 139 of 269 (52%) | 6 (3–9) | 4 (2–6) to death; 2 (0·5–5) to IMV |
Carpagnano et al (Italy)50 | 78 | HDU | 24 (31%) | Hospital | 43 (55%) | .. | .. |
Demoule et al (France)28 | 146 | ICU | 82 (56%) | 60-day | 115 (79%) | .. | .. |
Ferrando et al (Spain)23 | 199 | ICU | 82 (41%) | ICU | 146 of 171 (85%) | .. | .. |
Guy et al (France)82 | 27 | Respiratory ward | 7 (26%) | Hospital | 19 of 23 (83%) | .. | .. |
Mellado-Artigas et al (Spain)22 | 259 | ICU | 140 (54%) | .. | .. | .. | .. |
Sayan et al (Turkey)86 | 24 | ICU | 13 (54%) | Hospital | 12 (50%) | .. | .. |
Wang et al (USA)12 | 331 | .. | 100 (30%) | Hospital | 189 (57%) | 10·2 (6·7–15·5) | 1·4 (0·5–3·8) |
Wendel Garcia et al (Europe)24 | 87 | ICU | 45 (52%) | ICU | 70 (80%) | .. | .. |
Xia et al (China)72 | 43 | .. | 13 (30%) | Hospital | 30 (70%) | 5 (3–7) | 3·5 (1·5–6·5) |
Zucman et al (France)59 | 62 | ICU | 39 (63%) | ICU | 50 (81%) | .. | .. |
Total‡ | 1570 | .. | 661 (42%); range 24–63% | .. | 824 of 1255 (66%); range 50–85% | .. | .. |
CPAP only | |||||||
Ashish et al (UK)89 | 18 | Ward | .. | Hospital | 9 (50%) | .. | .. |
Knights et al (UK)83 | 26 | .. | 9 (35%) | Hospital | 19 (73%) | .. | .. |
Koduri et al (UK)63 | 56 | Ward | .. | Hospital | 36 (64%) | .. | .. |
Oranger et al (France)76 | 38 | Respiratory ward | 9 (24%) | 7-day | 38 (100%) | .. | .. |
Potalivo et al (Italy)53 | 71 | ED, ward | 25 (35%) | 60-day | 54 (76%) | 3·9 (2·0)§ | 3·6 (2·6)§ |
Radovanovic et al (Italy)40 | 105 | Respiratory HDU | 25 (24%) | Hospital | 65 (62%) | .. | .. |
Sargent et al (UK)61 | 58 | .. | 23 (40%) | Hospital | 38 (65%) | .. | .. |
Sartini et al (Italy)92 | 15 | Non-ICU | 1 (7%) | 14-day | 9 of 10 (90%) | .. | .. |
Total‡ | 387 | .. | 92 of 313 (29%); range 7–40% | .. | 268 of 382 (70%); range 50–100% | .. | .. |
BiPAP only | |||||||
Baqi et al (Pakistan)33 | 100 | Ward, ICU | 38 (38%) | Hospital | 28 (28%) | .. | .. |
Bertaina et al (Spain, Italy, China, Cuba, Ecuador, Germany)17 | 390 | .. | 62 (16%) | Hospital | 243 (62%) | .. | .. |
Menzella et al (Italy)49 | 79 | Respiratory ward | 21 (27%) | Hospital | 59 (75%) | 8·7 (3·9)§ | 6·3 (4·2) to death; 2·9 (3·2) to IMV§ |
Total‡ | 569 | .. | 131 (23%); range 16–38% | .. | 330 (58%); range 28–75% | .. | .. |
HFNO, CPAP | |||||||
Grosgurin et al (Switzerland)46 | 85 | HDU | 33 (39%) | 28-day | 75 (88%) | 4·1 (2·9)§ | 1·2 (0·7)§ |
Hallifax et al (UK)67 | 48 | Respiratory HDU | 11 (23%) | Hospital | 15 of 43 (35%) | .. | .. |
Pagano et al (Italy)90 | 18 | HDU | 4 (22%) | Hospital | 7 (39%) | .. | .. |
Thompson et al (UK)69 | 47 | .. | .. | 30-day post-discharge | 29 (62%) | .. | .. |
Total‡ | 198 | .. | 48 of 151 (32%); range 22–39% | .. | 126 of 193 (65%); range 35–88% | .. | .. |
CPAP, BiPAP | |||||||
Daniel et al (USA)29 | 131 | .. | 44 (34%) | Hospital | 34 (26%) | .. | .. |
Duca et al (Italy)51 | 78 | ED | 26 (33%) | Hospital | 20 (25%) | .. | .. |
Suardi et al (Italy)73 | 41 | ICU, ward | 10 (24%) | Hospital | 34 (83%) | .. | .. |
Vena et al (Italy)36 | 111 | Ward, ICU | 53 (47%) | Hospital | 72 (65%) | .. | .. |
Wendel Garcia et al (Europe)24 | 87 | ICU | 43 (49%) | ICU | 55 (63%) | .. | .. |
Total‡ | 448 | .. | 176 (39%); range 24–49% | .. | 215 (48%); range 25–83% | .. | .. |
HFNO, CPAP, BiPAP | |||||||
Deng et al (China)37 | 110 | Ward | 42 (38%) | Hospital | 86 (78%) | .. | .. |
Dupuis et al (France)30 | 128¶ | ICU | 45 (35%) | 60-day | 100 (79%) | .. | .. |
González-García et al (Spain)43 | 93 | .. | 15 (16%) | Hospital | 89 (96%) | .. | .. |
Hu et al (China)39 | 105 | Ward | 9 (9%) | Hospital | 85 (81%) | 6 (3·5–8·5) | 3 (2–11) |
Kurtz et al (Brazil)11 | 2423 | ICU | 865 (36%) | Hospital | 1893 (78%) | .. | .. |
Liu et al (China)15 | 652 | ICU | 288 (44%) | 28-day post-ICU admission | 297 (46%) | HFNO 9 (5–11); NIV 6 (4–10); HFNO+NIV 11 (8–19) | HFNO 4 (2–7); NIV 4 (2–8); HFNO+NIV 9 (6–15) |
Patel et al (USA)41 | 104 | Ward | 37 (36%) | Hospital | 89 (86%) | 3·1 (2·7)§ | 5·4 (3·3)§ |
Roedl et al (Germany)62 | 57 | ICU | 46 (81%) | ICU | 37 (65%) | .. | .. |
Tonetti et al (Italy)31 | 127 | ED, ward, HDU | .. | 28-day | 61 (48%) | .. | .. |
Voshaar (Germany)91 | 17 | Ward | 4 (24%) | Hospital | 17 (100%) | .. | .. |
Wang et al (China)84 | 26 | .. | 4 (15%) | .. | .. | .. | .. |
Wang et al (USA)12 | 747 | .. | 580 (78%) | Hospital | 214 of 711 (30%) | 11·2 (6·8–17·6) | 2·6 (0·8–6·7) |
Total‡ | 4589 | .. | 1935 of 4462 (43%); range 9–81% | .. | 2968 of 4527 (66%); range 30–100% | .. | .. |
BiPAP=bilevel positive airway pressure non-invasive ventilation. CPAP=continuous positive airway pressure non-invasive ventilation. ED=emergency department. HDU=high-dependency unit. HFNO=high-flow nasal oxygen. ICU=intensive care unit. ID=infectious diseases. IMV=invasive mechanical ventilation. NIRS=non-invasive respiratory support. NIV=non-invasive ventilation (CPAP or BiPAP).
Hospital location, if stated.
Success means survival of patient receiving NIRS; failure means need for subsequent invasive mechanical ventilation or death of patient receiving NIRS.
Survival figures totalled regardless of timing (7-day, 14-day, 28-day, 60-day, 28-day post-ICU admission, 30-day post-discharge, or ICU or hospital survival); range represents the range of values reported across studies.
Mean (SD) reported.
16 of the 128 received oxygen only.